Ti'ara D. Perry

Ti'ara D. Perry Poems

They say once your in, there’s no way out
Unless you’re wounded in a bed, or six feet under ground
You step out into the streets
Getting shot, without a witness to see

you tell me things to put me down
all you want is to see me frown
you say things that seems so cruel
to make me think that I'm a fool

worthless describes everything that's cheap
even the one's that's really deep
who am I referring to
a worthless cheat


joy is here
joy is there
it never fades
because we care

respect is something we give
because we love one another
but if we didn't have respect
would we still have a partner

she birthed you into this world
she raised you as if you were a diamond pearl
she taught you from right from wrong
the times she've spent with you were very long

a family should love
and share at times
but can be a pain
and sometimes lie

if you're honest
so help me God
im sick of you
telling these stupid lies


a cool and unusual person
who is he to me
a friend and i'll never hurt him
he's funny, slow, and emo

Dr. Martin Luther King had one special dream
That blacks and whites came together as one
But really this dream has just begun
When King was a child

why do you smoke
why do you drink
you always have to do it your way
why smoke crack

why do i hate you
why do you hate me
hate is a strong word
hate shouldn't be

we live for honor
we live for justice
we live to love
and we live for pride

whats in the water today
teenagers that don't sit, think, or pray
they are permiscuous in what they do and what they say
they go out and party

did you ever do something wrong
and regretted it for life
before you even did it
did you ever think once or twice

little girl that cries in the night
everything will be alright
little girl that stands in the rain
i will help with all your pain

he say he loves me
but I dont love him
is it hard to speak up
cause my words are dim

I thought there was something
but that something was nothing
the feeling I had was strong
but i guess it was weak loving


hit one
for making a phone call
hit two
for not even getting in trouble at all


a friend and cousin
who will be ther til the end
has your back
and tends to win

Ti'ara D. Perry Biography

My name is Ti'Ara Darlette Perry, born December 13,1993. I grew up in Atlanta, Ga. I attended Panola Way Elementary School coming up which is located in Stone Mountain, Ga. I began arts as far as drawing, sketch, music, dance, and even spoken word, which led me to writing poems. I started writing at 8 years old. The age of 10 I began singing. However, at first not knowing I've had a voice, I had a friend I met in 4th grade who could sing so beautifully, whom also taught me how to hold a note. After I hit the age of 15 I knew I had potential for the music industry whether I had a manager, or just someone who'd stand by me through it all and even support the fact that I would love to be heard also known everywhere.16 years old, I decided I was ready to be intimate though I thought at an early age how amazing it could be. I set myself up for disappointment after getting with a boy that led our relationship to become domestic. Right then,8 months later I had one handsome little soldier whom name is Tyrique L. Perry, born premature but strong. Now, knowing my life isn't my own anymore I give everything and do all I can as a single mother. Poetry is one thing that gets my mind in motion and ready for lead. Despite the set back on my future dreams, I had it tough true enough but I made it work! however and what ever way possible. I've been taken advantage of, jumped, discriminated against, and for me to have been so young with child, I stood up for myself because to walk in my shoes you would have to have a great strength of a backbone to have as much courage and dignity as I do, as well as bravery, ambition, devotion, and motives. Enough of that and for my outer limitations seeking to know more about me please feel free and don't be afraid of emailing, messaging me about anything because that's my purpose of becoming inspirational.)

The Best Poem Of Ti'ara D. Perry

Gang Violence

They say once your in, there’s no way out
Unless you’re wounded in a bed, or six feet under ground
You step out into the streets
Getting shot, without a witness to see
Just lying there all blooded up
With blackened pupils, and still breath
Your homies comes across to see
To realize their member has been shot and deceased
But it’s not over, but then it may
“An eye for an eye”, Is what they say

Black on black crimes
Latino’s killing their own
Whites fighting themselves
Mexicans stunt on their own
Killing for what’s theirs
And for what they want for themselves
You step on their turf, be prepared to meet death

No one else can see him
Just your eyes alone
Only they can feel his presence
Tonight you won’t be going home
What you bragged
You weren’t afraid of
Has come to see if it’s true
Death puts his hands upon your shoulder
You don’t know what to do

As you look into his empty eyes
You remember the takings of other’s lives
Then you come to realize
That your own people weren’t there
To save your life
Who do you have to look at now?
Did they ever care once before?
Or left you at your own bound

You think hanging in gangs is cool
But if you were smart
You wouldn’t think like a fool
Gangs you believe you’re committed to
Are only playing games
And making up their own rules
You do this to yourself
Because you have no one to depend on
But the decisions you choose and chose to do leave you nowhere
But inside a whole
Now you’re gone and your family’s in pain
How do you think they feel?
knowing you left them
Playing your own game

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