T-he truth about salvation
H-as not been revealed to all;
E-very chosen sheep has known
L-ord God's plan for his soul.
Almost all religions
Have the same objective;
It's the service of God
They know and believe.
L-ife's truth and lie collide,
E-ach has its own reason;
T-o argue against another,
H-aving thought they've won.
L-iving in truth is your life,
O-n the twelfth of January;
L-ie that leads to destruction
I-s not your cup of
All alone in the dark,
Let the light shine on you;
Arrange the ruined dreams
With color crimson far from blue.
J-ust do the right thing,
N-ever let mistake dictate
A-nother blunder.
G-ospel of the Lord
A-ims to teach the righteousness,
L-etting all be saved.
P-raise God in truth,
A-nd worship Him in spirit;
S-imply glorify the Lord,
A-s we all obey or submit.
L-amp of truth enlightens
Y-our guest's meticulous mind;
N-o labyrinth of lies or darkness you can find.
G-reatest truth is revealed,
E-arly morn seventh of July;
L-ie of the deceiver
I-s blinding either eye.
M-ind's quest for truth
A-ims to use ears and eyes;
D-evil's tricks beguile,
E-volution teaches
C-ollision of truth and lie
H-as made the slave free;
E-arly twenty-eighth of September, God's wisdom denotes verity.
K-now what the truth is,
R-efrain from going astray;
I-t's time to see the light,
S-eptember seventh Thursday.
E-very word of truth
M-akes you firm in faith;
A-lmighty God's gospel
L-ets you hang on at any rate.
M-ake torch of truth brighten
A-pril twenty-sixth Wednesday;
R-adiant blaze is shining,
V-icious lies are far away.
L-et the truth set the world free,
O-r lies will spread like a fire;
D-on't let the chance slip away,
E-arly rise, don't linger,
L-ess in lie, more in truth,
E-ndless life is the real wealth;
S-eptember twenty-first morn
L-ets you stay till the last breath.