tyler eisner

tyler eisner Poems

Under the bed
In a loop
Only turning left
A train buzzes around a track

Beauty, a derogator for those who don’t possess,
Who prick and pry to look their best
Only to find it does not help
To ruin one’s self to win another’s attention,


Best-friend’s girlfriend. An option? Not so much
A nerd, like I, and Lego’s same
The inspiration to a gift to GFATT
Studs. Lego studs. Red. Small. Cheep.

I never knew how harsh grease can be on one’s heart.
“Summer lovin, happened so fast”
“Summer lovin, had me a blast”
Yes I did and that was the hardest part

First day of school-new school- no friends
Where do I go? Who do I eat with? Where do I eat?
It’s a beautiful September day, the 5th
Find a nice spot outside to sit, and eat


How fast time flies
Year gone in an instant
One may blink into the future
But can one blink into the past


Is I’ for fear I write these words
To thou whom maim’est mine mind’s eye
With tales o’ horror that scare me. Why?

I see me, slumped over in a shower
Head pressed against the wall
Steam stripped stripes streak down my back
Leaving a zebra of red on my skin


Have you ever spent a month
Where there was not a single moment
When a person was not on your mind
And the great thing is,


If born without the ability to love,
Does life then serve a purpose?

If born without the ability to see,

You see me as I really am
Not how I wish I was seen
Why do I wish to cloak myself from all those around me?

She is the one, who combs my thoughts,
Sifts through my feelings with ease and care
Pulling out my doubts and worries
Leaving only me, jest pure and bare

Yet again love eludes me
Confusion, disappointment, longing, flood back in
Lonesome shrouds me
But destined to be it seems I am


I was terrified I fell
I was horrified I tumbled
I was anxious I cried
For the fire now that died

Together the sky and sea
Moved as one
Morphed mass
Of air and water

Royals ship
Sways back and forth
Lulls to rest those who feel its pleasure
But for those who don’t

Have you ever known someone for a short period of time
Yet it feels you’ve known them forever?
Days with them feel like years
A week feels like eons gone in the blink of an eye


Sometimes I think that dreams tell the future
I look to them to find things in my mind
Because In dreams you expect without choosing what to expect
See without knowing what sights will come


As of late I've contemplated what I want
A girlfriend, a best friend, a friend, a “close” friend
And frankly I'm not sure
I was talking with a friend today about all of the girls I used to like,

I am a speck
I fly through the universe
On tiny wings
That buzz around, round

tyler eisner Biography

I'm currently a high school student at Roosevelt high school and all of my poems are about the things that go on in the busy and drama filled life of high school as i struggle through relationships and social statuses that are and will be forever changing in our society.)

The Best Poem Of tyler eisner

Ode To The Smell Of Electricity

Under the bed
In a loop
Only turning left
A train buzzes around a track
Powered by
That invisible
Intangible yet tangible

Coursing through the rails
Emitting the odor
Of power
Of shock
Of tang

Distant yet present
Is this scent
Like the mind
Of a wanderer
Visible when in focus
Cellophane when preoccupied

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