Vagi Samuel Jnr

Vagi Samuel Jnr Poems

I am forty
I am a Christian
I am beautiful
And I am the land of the unexpected

The quiet night deployed a half-moon
Town Street as evading as a venting loop
Sounding whispers of a walking lady
Her figure emerging from a darkened alley

Shake off the dust from gloomy yesterday
Glorious waters of grace awaits my bath
Mercy shall put on me a fresh garment then
Knitted in love like the blue sky I see today

Life didn't admit the gasp of his age
Painful chest wounded by a mucus wall
Perhaps, fathoming on debris of triage
That which we are jailed by clichés after all

Her tears kissed the edges of her face
A cry that defended bruises in between a mask
Could she run? Or cheat death in the moment
Where could she have gone? Rain come already

The smell of the sand raced at me
Peace was the sea gently raping the beach
West pulled by view to the hill of trees
As perfect meditation suited within reach

Harmonize me that tale of affair we had
Let it perform surgery to my ear drums
Like my fingers that caress the IPad
So, will this music frisk without harm

The future is fore
Ahead from my present
The past is all that’s gone
Laid to rest in the absent

Tell me a joke that I may not laugh
I may not glee at all but to its spell I will jest
But even if I did show my Colgate teeth
Does that encapsulate a chuckle?

We were never a match (a)
She was a crusader from birth (b)
I was a realist during high school years (c)
We had different ideas and opinions (d)

Vagi Samuel Jnr Biography

I just love my phone keypad, pen and scrap papers through which words give more meaning to life. It is so fascinating to draw experiences from my surrounding to amplify all sorts of moods and emotions.)

The Best Poem Of Vagi Samuel Jnr

For I Too Am A Papua New Guinean

I am forty
I am a Christian
I am beautiful
And I am the land of the unexpected

From the crawling of the dawn,
Alotau gives birth to the sun as it raises discreetly humming “Eh, that one how”
Humble winds from Oro sends morning greetings on the wings of queen Alexandria, the butterfly
That, its sound almost wakes Fly River to begin the day by strumming its subtle streams
And as Kerema sings a vocal rendition in adoring its line “Yu yet kam na lukim”
Your highness, Hiri Queen sways her hips from the lagatoi in a harmonic pattern with the waves
Perhaps, once more Captain Moresby is incarnated into this transitional day
Are you from Southern Region, Maybe?
For I too, am a Papua New Guinean

As morning divorces the noon,
Raging seas from Bismarck quests onto the atolls of copper-less Bougainville
The white sandy beaches and dives signal a beautiful lady called New Ireland
Courtesy deeds from Kimbe through all natives is dubbed as “Pasin West”
More often, smoke from notorious Tavurvur in the East has doomed humanity
For this reason apart, foreign refugees have also found comfort in nearby Lorengau
Are you from the Islands Region, Maybe?
For I too, am a Papua New Guinean

By the time a dog barks,
A tribal fight welcomes Tari with open arms and swinging tramontina bush knifes
It pushes further up and restrains as Wapenamanda ends the dog from its barking
From valleys of mist squall an incense of flora from the mighty Muruk Garas
Through orange quarry and thick breeze is the seldom scene of Mount Hagen
Before the hunters of Jiwaka repatriate for a huge feast for abstaining from clashes
Peaceful mud man from Asaro burn their spears as the afternoon cold covers highlands
Are you from the Highlands Region, Maybe?
For I too, am a Papua New Guinean

As the evening reckons a rest,
Voices etched in the shivers from Apo land releases serenity to the beautiful Flying Fox City
Wopa Country delights in the aftermath of the journey that began 40 years on September 16th 1975
The man behind it all, Sir Michael Thomas Somare who hails from the East rivers of crocodiles
To our destiny for another 40, a wish for God’s favour as the sun sets once more in Sandaun province
Are you from Momase Region, Maybe?
For I too, am a Papua New Guinean

Happy 40th Independence PNG!

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