Valsa George Poems

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Greet The New Day!

In the Eastern sky spreads an orange tint
The many armed deity parts the shroud of mist
Awakening the drowsy, dreaming Earth
Inviting all to start the New Year in zest

A Sojourn Through Times

Mind often makes a circuitous pilgrimage
Sliding down and going up the banisters of time
As I hear the grating sound of worn stairs behind
Memories come darting in and out of shadows

A Preface To My Autobiography

I have emptied my heart into these pages
My pen has bled words in red
You can look straight into me
I have painted me as I am

Sonnet.4. As Time Moves

As the day ticks away into twilight dusk
The Sun in fathomless waters will plummet
The Earth will then wear an assassin's mask
This in endless succession shall repeat

In A Flash

As the TV screen comes alive
With news of carnage and bloodshed
Gory tales of rape and molestation
Of manhandling and suicide

Limerick- Keen Observation

My neighbor's little son is so smart
In a write up on Grandparents, he wrote
"They never seem to hurry,
Any time, can tell a story

Sorrow Solidified

A teardrop
long suspended
in my eyes

Picture Perfect

The baby sat joyfully on her lap
The mother on his tender thighs did tap
It tickled the boy to laugh and laugh
He was just one and a half

My Problem With Words

Thoughts explode in my brain
Like fireworks…..
How I want them to come out in words
And fall in line

Precautions For Advancing Years

Each time I feel I am growing old
And directly or indirectly of it, I am told,
I tell myself-‘What is gone cannot be retrieved'
Though to me, old has ever been and always gold

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