Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi Poems

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Wishing And Willing..

When the baby kicks in the womb,
A few parents touch to have the kick,
Most mothers excited, while the fathers too,
A few miss this opportunity as not bothered to,

Let Us Dance!

The memory dances to the tune of the wind,
The energy elevates with hormonal scent,
Solo dancers start to dance in their dreams,
Climes change the temperature as the streams,

The Sky And The Stars.

I am looking at the sky,
there are no star flowers,
who has plucked all those flowers?

We Share Our Grandfathers! !

The land of mine, where my greatest of all grandfathers had matured,
There he played with my equally old grandmother, he clamored,
We all prayed to the same Gods who have been kept,
In the palatial temples, built with the salt of their sweat,


If it were a glass of water,
It can be evaporated or,
It can be frozen for ever.

The Garden Of Eden.

The house becomes a home,
When the hearts play the same,
Music of symphony to accommodate,
Various flowers in a bouquet,


Life is tough for every single flower,
that has to endure the mighty power,
Life is tough for every single flower,
that has to do it alone over and over.

Please Stay Away, Our People Have To Survive!

A curd woman carries a pot of yogurt that drips on her moon forehead
The crystal white droplets drench the old soul, shouts, "yogurt,
Fresh yogurt, churned butter, anyone wants to buy? ",
Vegetable man pushes his cart, full of colorful vitamin vegetables,

A Girl And Her Wish.

Every girl likes to have a friend to share the heart and the secrets,
Secrets of heartaches, deep thoughts, dirty jokes and tryst,
As the colors of rainbow after the short and fast rain,
That pours into the roots of the plant to proclaim,

Pride And Ego

I hide this in my heart,
for a long time and,
people noticed it,
friends talked about it,

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