Wassila Nader

Wassila Nader Poems

A lonely star in the sky,
Is looking for a friend,
It wants to die,
Cause no one intend.

We reached life free,
I hope this will forever be,
but do you think so?
this'll be till you grow?

what will I do when you leave me?
I'll be alone,
I'll miss you,
I'll miss your hug when i'm crying,

This is my best poem of Afzal Shauq and I think that friendship is one of the most important things in life. A person should have have many friends, but only one or two to be his best. A best friend must control the heart and mind too.The best way to win hearts is friendly or loving smile as the poet of this poem says.

Friends shouldn't be sad of each others on each single thing, or else they will bored then separated or fight. They should love the bad things in every one of them so that they can correct it or make it better later on.

Another day has gone
I'm still all alone
How could this be
You're not here with me

The baby face,
and the baby smile,
don't ever cry,
even for a while.

How are you my star?
Are you still alone?
Or you talked to the moon?
And why are u so sad? did he came?

I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie is made up on your side


crying in the far dark land
tears there are more than sand
Alone and no one is there to hear
no one think or even feel


crying in the far dark land
tears there are more than sand
Alone and no one is there to hear
no one think or even feel

Dear Love,
wherever you see me,
Please ignore me..


when the sun descends,
and the day ends,
I loook at the sky,
to say GoodBye

The Best Poem Of Wassila Nader

A Lonely Star

A lonely star in the sky,
Is looking for a friend,
It wants to die,
Cause no one intend.

But if it found a friend,
Will he care,
Or no occur.

Poor lonely star,
Let the moon be your friend,
And don't care about the end.
Cause the moon is also lonely friend...

Wassila Nader Comments

Kente Lucy 20 September 2009

i like this poem it so warm, good diction thanks

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Kuji Soliman 15 October 2009

Your poems are not alot, But very sincere! Some poets can express all their thoughts abd feelings in two pages! ! you express them easily and simply and beautifully in small simple words.... I admire you! !

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Joseph Macquarrie 23 October 2009

ur poems r very awsome

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Chanelle Fields 30 October 2009

i really luv iall of your poems i just cant choose one i like the most. u have a beautiful talent.

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Benjamin Majola 02 January 2013

Cozy I lyk ur poem dud kip it up! ! ! ! ! !

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Darrin Mcmiller Jr. 14 June 2010

Your a good young poet, I look forward to reading more of your poems. What I like most is the thoughts that your poems give me; they really start important conversations that we as people the world over need to address. Already I can see wisdom in your work and power in your writting. Keep up the great work.

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Ravi Upadhye 01 January 2010

I loved your What will I do without you? Expression of feeling of separation is really touching, Keep it up

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Nada Hassib 07 November 2009

i adore it <3 really it is an amazing simple but had many true meanings

3 0 Reply
Kimberly Fine 01 November 2009

your poems are very honest and sweet! i really enjoyed! !

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