G-reat cheerful wedding anniversary
E-xplains the rock-solid union;
N-o longer two but one,
Y-ou both brave the horizon.
A-nniversary of a wedding
R-eminds you of God's paradigm;
N-o longer two but one,
E-ver true love of a
The wedding anniversary
Of Brother Lex and Sister Vanj
Reminds them of matrimony
When they received the Lord's commands.
C-elebration of couple
E-mploys endless love
E-ach day, put on the wedding ring,
D-on't hide it from the sunlight;
W-ear it wherever you are,
I-n the middle of the
R-emembering their wedding day
E-nhances the solid union;
G-room and bride both believe
I-n the sacred institution.
E-arly Monday January second,
D-ouble event we gladly remember;
U-nderneath the wide blue sky,
A-bout the couple and our former leader.
V-ile weather has turned
I-nto a warm Tuesday view;
C-oal clouds don't gather,
K-ind clime comes for