Wei Chao

Wei Chao Poems

He is my cousin,
My aunt's only son,
Clever, eight years elder than me.

He's the youngest child,
Baby of the family,
Born when his mum's in late forties.

Arouse emotions?
Push starts imaginations?
Find poet's intent?

Coming off offshore drilling rig,
After the four-week rotation,
It's like a relief from a brig,
I'm drained, I need relaxation.

He's and was tagged as a workhorse.
He works from eight to five,
But lots of extra hours are forced,
A need, has to, must strive.

Love at — first sight — on blind date
I felt — you are — my life mate
I called — told you — I love you
Two years — green light — your heart gate

Turn off the light... lay down on bed,
Breath in - breath out, breath in - breath out,
Meditate, meditate,
Meditate, meditate.

Bullying by strong
Weak … no power to defend
Kids are protected at school

Wiseman, enjoys, lives his life a freeman,
Civil and political liberty.
Fugitive on the run or a fleeman,
Will he enjoy freedom and liberty?

After I die, think of me, think these three:
I did fulfill my father's legacy,
'Give best educational chances to thee, '
Thou take it as thou're on delegacy.


I have a new well,
I carefully plan out,
For perforation,
Yes, perforation.

It comes naturally
Desirous procreation
It's creator's wish
Conception, generation

When red roses boldly bloom in summer,
They give beauties and lusts to their lovers,
Fully committed beyond late comer,
Their affections, lover's heart discovers.

Easy to know truths
Violations ingrained
Too hard to give up

We cherish free-world
Predilection --- nothing wrong
Except for races

In The Eye of Beholder

Can you tell me...why
Me being sparked such a backlash?

He's crying out love
He's complaining — justified
He's confessing love
He's petitioning parents

I am just a dandelion,
Sprout out...in the garden.
I am unwanted ugly weed,
Curse me…beg your pardon.

A tennis racquet,
Has its sweet spot, check it out,
So do with golf clubs,
So does with your kitchen knife,

I dearly love you
IK, you too dearly love me
'Values' --- different
Can't sustain our steamy love

Wei Chao Biography

He is a registered professional engineer. He has a great interest in poems and songs. He is learning and starts writing lyrics. He's a neutralized Canadian citizen living in Calgary, Alberta.)

The Best Poem Of Wei Chao

My Paralysed Cousin

He is my cousin,
My aunt's only son,
Clever, eight years elder than me.

Close-knit families,
Grew up seeing him,
I look up to him as a good man.

He's a math teacher,
Married with two kids,
Lovely kids, he lives happy life.

I work overseas,
See him when I'm back,
We always have a lot to talk.

I make routine call,
Told, he got a stroke,
Mum says 'the stroke is serious'.

He's only fifty,
Kids are in uni,
He's on long medical leave.

I've arrived back home,
I go to see him,
Paralysis, right side, his strong side.

Years past, with a crutch,
Confines himself home,
He takes early medical retirement.

He's been on treatment,
But not improving,
Right arm and leg are a lot smaller.

He's now sixty six,
Again, I'm back home,
As usual, I pay
Him a warm visit.
He's alone at home,
We chat as usual,
Then, out of the blue,
Looking sad, he says,
'Living is no longer meaningful for me.'

Wei Chao Comments

Rachel Maxwell 30 June 2022

Wei has shown improvements through every poem he uploads. I feel like a lot of readers, including myself, are able to deeply relate to some of your poems through your intricate descriptions. I am excited to seeing how you will grow as a poet in the future!

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John Wayne 24 June 2022

Overall, Wei is a beginner poet but with a passion and an innate ability to turn normal everyday interactions into sophisticated works of art. I look forward to reading more of his work and hope this comment will allow more people to give him a chance.

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