At lunchtime I bought a huge orange—
The size of it made us all laugh.
I peeled it and shared it with Robert and Dave—
They got quarters and I had a half.
I took her for my kind of person
And it was something of a shock
When my new friend revealed
On the flyleaf
of my confirmation present:
'To Wendy with love
from Nanna. Psalm 98.'
There's not a Shakespeare sonnet
Or a Beethoven quartet
That's easier to like than you
Or harder to forget.
You have to try. You see the shrink.
You learn a lot. You read. You think.
You struggle to improve your looks.
My heart has made its mind up
And I'm afraid it's you.
Whatever you've got lined up,
My heart has made its mind up
Today we are obliged to be romantic
And think of yet another valentine.
We know the rules and we are both pedantic:
Yes, I agree. We'll pull ourselves together.
We eat too much. We're always getting pissed.
It's not a bad idea to find out whether
We like each other sober. Let's resist.
On Waterloo Bridge, where we said our goodbyes,
The weather conditions bring tears to my eyes.
I wipe them away with a black woolly glove
And try not to notice I've fallen in love.