Wesley Mincin

Wesley Mincin Poems

Amber Glow

Red and yellow painted leaves
hang idly within the trees


Across the skies a meteor flies,
it flashes, sails, falls, then dies.

Dancing on Sand

Like a flock of colors that spin and sway,
they dance against the moon of night.

A Demons View

I am a loyal servant,
follower of he,


A castle built on rock and stone,
withholds dark secrets of unknown,

Devious and seductive is the rose,
as it stands in a bush,
in a vase during dinner,
or its pedals sprinkled out among the sheets,

The Black Rose

Black is the Rose,
as it stands for pain!

A night of lust and love

Brush your lips against my neck
And so begins your siren trek

Deep within the forest's heart,
does the foliage spread apart,

Innocent and pure is the White Rose.
A symbol of purity.

In some chamber far from here,
in distant lands of dark and drear,

The most painful dream

And so this princess would walk and breathe on this Earth,
and I would dream of me being her knight.

Should we fear his faceless face?
The hooded obverse...
lacking the pity we know...
lacking the enjoyment of what he does...

Dancing to the Harp of Passion

Let the fire silently burn within,
our hearts as we dance tonight.

Red Moon
An omen of great power
An icon of night's horror
A petrifying terror

Blood, for me, tastes just like wine
It's thick and sweet and so divine
It runs in all the sapien swine
And all their flesh shall soon be mine

Dark Angel

I sit between the light and dark, a force of neutrality,
walking in both Heaven and Hell, immune from duality.

Rule or Serve

In meditation, I feel tight.
I feel the coldness of the night.



You are a beauty I could never have
You are a Fallen Angel that possesses,

Escorted by Death

Knowing that the end is near,
sealing absence of my fear

The Best Poem Of Wesley Mincin

Amber Glow

Amber Glow

Red and yellow painted leaves
hang idly within the trees
They break and sail along the breeze
As fires of Autumn's time

They dance and surf upon the ground
Overlap each other with ruffling sound
A setting I am glad I found
As fires of Autumn's time

Like fires of the Autumn season
they leap and dance without a reason
A factor of Autumns many seasons
As fires of Autumn's time'

The grey clouds break, the sun appears
The dancing leaves appear to sere
These flames its kept for many years
As fires of Autumn's time

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