Wildwood Slim Poems

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House Of Clay

When dips my oar the Silent River
That Eternity and Time divide,
This house of clay I’ll leave forever
A new one waits, just o’er the tide.


Sometimes I find myself alookin’
Through the years, a backward glance,
And I see the friends of childhood
From the years now gone before.

A Poets Request

When o’er me you lay the blanket,
Of this earths protecting sod;
And you set me down forever
With my soul called back to God.

The Ones I Never Wrote

Oft times when I abed do lie
And feign would be asleep,
There arise profoundest thoughts
From out the far and deep.

Dance With The Sand Hill Cranes

I spent today in a hidden meadow,
With wildflowers up to my knees;
And butterflies that swooped and dived,
And all around me, trees.

The Price Of Peace

What price is Peace?
I asked a troubled world,
Casting a wistful eye.
The world, uneasy with

New York

New York, I walked your streets today,
I meshed with your moving crowd,
I felt in awe at the relentless motion,
I saw your people, purposeful, proud.

The Wild Horses Of Bear Canyon

We followed their prints down the sandstone rim,
Down to the green, green grass;
Over rocky trails where the spoor grew dim,
To the bottom of the canyon pass.

Rhinestone Cowboy

With a cowboyish grin an’ a lift of my chin,
I reach for my new lariat:
I’ll head down the path, ti’ ketch thet new calf,
Afore thet old sun’s gonna set.

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