Danu Sloven

Danu Sloven Poems

I don't know how long you ran away Nesting hope for us, also a dream Lama. I heard the story scratched on the glass Wet whole face, let alone soul?

I can't even start changing! You also know the suffering goes gloomy, Women now make it hard in the chest-

Not a true death stabbed in a trellis

Above burying one arrives

I met you that time Bright sun shining over the fisherman's head At the end of the beach, endless.

Do you remember? I'm sitting behind you These eyes don't blink As if to give news I ask;

From the beginning a curved path

By the shaft is also the situation

She's a young girl

Sharpening the Moon above the naked eye

They arrived between the hours of dawn
The wait follows the face of the road
Holding hands avoiding each other
Changing time against us too

Apa jadinya
Apa jadinya bicara
Kalau orang-orang menggongong
Dan menipu.

Danu Sloven Biography

i am a lonely poet from indonesian, from a small town in a province north sumatera.)

The Best Poem Of Danu Sloven

Sajak Aas

I don't know how long you ran away Nesting hope for us, also a dream Lama. I heard the story scratched on the glass Wet whole face, let alone soul?

I can't even start changing! You also know the suffering goes gloomy, Women now make it hard in the chest-

Mouth frozen, not yet uttered 'disappointed' Dreams used to be here, it's been a long time I let it go! Just remember,

remember yourself Low times blew the lives of both of them. The wound changed color, I know now I'm split between the rudders!

We make sure- The drizzle at the end of the night changed Am I waiting? No more, For us. The ship stops here!


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