Winnie Naluwooza

Winnie Naluwooza Poems

My greatest intimacy wasn`t the evening we made love
nor was it the night we texted from 3am till dawn
but it was when you saw me at my most difficult state
like how you witnessed the most unlovable parts of me

I like you, not for what you are
Rather for who I am
When am around you.
I have freedom as of a bird

Well, today for most of the day,
I scrambled,
To scribble a wish to the heavens in your name.
I wrote the first sketch,

From deep within,
It used to come…
So loud and clear,
Yet shaky and sad.

He said tearfully
I gave no response
But a naughty wave

Sometimes I stare in wonder
Just how everything
Came to be something.
And there is just one answer…

The same point
East to west, north to south
They move… to and from
Never settling.

The Best Poem Of Winnie Naluwooza

At My Hardest

My greatest intimacy wasn`t the evening we made love
nor was it the night we texted from 3am till dawn
but it was when you saw me at my most difficult state
like how you witnessed the most unlovable parts of me
as I slowly unraveled each imperfection in front of you
like unfading scars on my body
And despite all this, you chose to stay
to love me even harder anyway.
That... that right there will stay forever in my heart.

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Winnie Naluwooza Quotes

Was solo singing on my own, Now I can't find a key without you...

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