Writer Poet Lover

Writer Poet Lover Poems

The way i feel when i sit near her,
or am even in the same room,
i know not what it means to find true love for yet we are still young.

they say that we are meant to last
and how i used to laugh.
i thought that we were far too young
and would never find my match.

the way we fell in love you see
was really quite a cotastrophy,
but now it's bloomed into a beuatiful thing,
ha ha at last 'my' love.

I can not desribe why i feel so weak
as i sit beside myl ove
i know only that she loves me to
nut i will love her more

The Best Poem Of Writer Poet Lover

The Way I Feel

The way i feel when i sit near her,
or am even in the same room,
i know not what it means to find true love for yet we are still young.

the term true love is what I dream of most
and see that in her i do,
i tell her near most every day that to me she means so much,
she'll never know how much she means for even i know not.

she'll stay by me for days and days
and i hope for years to come,
for though i am but 17
I've finally found true love.

I LOVE HER MORE! ! (inside joke/ argument)

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