Zammy Whiz

Zammy Whiz Poems

The lesser ain't an option,
never settled, but bring a vessel,
Filled with ambitions and knowledge.
Inside me is an unrelenting drive,

I stared at the forefront forest,
Accompanied by thick darkness,
the hum of the insects,
delightedness fills from within,

When thy save a man,
thy save a family.
I was in solitude,
when the sun was ready to lay,

We are an aberration,
an aberration it's called,
mistaken it for the norm,
the err believed orthodox,

I raise my head,
and, look beyond the sea,
beyond the forefront forest,
past the humming of the insects,

Zammy Whiz Biography

I am solely like an ophthalmologist which enables you to see things as they are.)

The Best Poem Of Zammy Whiz

Self Proclamation

The lesser ain't an option,
never settled, but bring a vessel,
Filled with ambitions and knowledge.
Inside me is an unrelenting drive,
insatiable hunger for fulfilment.

I am awakened, from darkness to light;
after greatness, not perfectness,
I am spreading my ambitions,
like madness,
Glutting both daylight and darkness.
And becomes the highest,
that ever came into existence.

I call myself the greatest,
like an enormous orthodox,
yeah, the greatest,
leaving behind,
it prints of success, like fresh ink.
Before the world hear of it,
nothing less, but tremendous.

Enunciating solely not,
like an all-talk no action;
But, put in the work,
Rising from the slums like a grandeur.
Endly, I've manifested my greatness.

My awareness of doubts and fear,
finally, it's all worth it.
despite how they held me back.
Now, I've proved my greatness,
before the world awakes,
... ' leaving them no possibility to catch up'.

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