A Sinner's Optimism Poem by Akhtar Jawad

A Sinner's Optimism

Rating: 4.9

He had seen You, and talked as well,
Yet disobeyed, for him is the hell.
I haven't seen You, did not talk,
May I know, where I'll walk?

The famous caliph, Haroon Rasheed,
Was no doubt, a ruler in deed.
And Zubaidah, his charming wife,
Was his love, was his life.

Once she was angry, said with spout,
You are a hell-dweller, now get out.
Haroon replied in anger so much,
Divorce for you, if I'm such.

In Islam, if a Muslim so says,
Divorce will be pending, till final sun-rays.
And the couple will remain separated,
The day of judgement will be awaited.

Haroon then called living legends having writ,
They regretted, couldn't rule on it.
Imam Shafai then a teen aged boy,
Visited the court with a ruling of joy.

He told Haroon you're begging a reply,
I'm the one here, God at sky.
My place is that, your place is it,
Haroon moved to floor and asked him to sit.

Proud is poison for a good deed,
Haroon was tested, an essential need.
A justice should be watchful before an award,
Should asses plaintiff like a guard,

Did ever God's fear kept you away,
From a sin, you might commit any way.
Haoon, on oath stated and affirmed,
Many times, my lord, the oath confirmed.

Paradise for you, have my greetings,
Zubaida is your wife no bar on meetings.
He then recited a verse from The Book,
Pleasing Haroon, the heavenly brook.

If one fears God, and remains away,
From a sin possible, may commit any day.
For such a man, paradise is reward,
Book of God is the ruling award.

Oh! my God, many times on the way,
I like Haroon remained away,
From the sins, because I fear,
I am optimistic My Lord! my dear.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: fear
Being impressed with true story of Haroon and Zubaida.
I Farted 20 August 2020

Face it. It is TERRIBLE!

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Khalid Saifullah 07 January 2015

a beautiful write.....................10

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Matthias Pantaleon 15 May 2014

The best mindset in the world is that of a positive thinker

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Ency Bearis 13 April 2014

An uplifting verses and well presented, well penned.

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Richard Blay 10 April 2014

I like it though it sounds as history but the moral is there, and so good. nice poem

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