Sometimes i feel I'd be happy if i were as dumb as a stone
I am confused in my thinking but in that i am not alone
Many others out there like me who ask themselves who am I?
We live confused in our thinking and confused in our thinking we'll die.
Confused in my thinking no surprise in that
At times such as this I do envy the cat
Curled up on the sofa snoring in her sleep
She does not have any worries or any promise to keep.
Confused in my thinking my thoughts are not clear
I try to make sense out of all that I hear
Opinionated people like to have their say
And they use their words in a provocative way.
Did you ever feel confused in your thinking as some of us do now and then
Well all cannot be perfect women and all cannot be perfect men
And all of us cannot be winners for one to win many must lose
And I do not agree with those who tell us that success is a thing you can choose.