RoseAnn V. Shawiak Feelings Poems

Wonderful Feelings

Bending branches of trees hanging into a memory of
childhood, reminding me of all the good and wonderful
times had when climbing them every day.

Blessed Feelings

Rhyming in depths of beauty's peaceful view on life.
Wishing to be all that I find within, expecting songs
to fill me with anticipation for times I have left to
write about family and friends.

Covering Feelings

Senseless Feelings

Following my mind down pathways of rhythm,
trying to get away from the senseless
feelings of abandonment by a dear friend.

Inane Feelings

Sweetly caressing humorous feelings,
displaying them in inane activities.
Foraging through lifelines,
insinuating relative attributes to

Feelings Lying Like Boulders

Feelings lying within like boulders, sitting silent and still,
not wanting to move, emotions hiding beneath them, not wishing
to be felt right now.

Feelings Of Energy Building

Rushing along the edge of night, listening to melodies and
writing poetry in fast-paced rhythms that suddenly slow way
down so notes can catch up then run faster into the air.

Feelings In Style

Wriggling into rhythms, fast-paced and lively, taking every-
one away, young and old alike, positively being entertained
energetically and loving every moment of it.

Terrifying Feelings Of Loneliness

Facing loneliness in a moonlit night, stars twinkling
above, showing their caring and compassion for our

Precious Feelings Of Love

Loving rising within, lifting me into the desires of
your being.

Touching heart and mind as it elevates my soul into

Intense Reflection's Feelings

Cantankerous rhythms playing insolently in pathways of contemplation
as mind and soul fill an interior spirituality of a lifetime in dark-
ness, awaiting upbeats of an ulterior system of notes.

Feelings Of Tears Within

Hearts of people feeling their way into minds filled
with whispers that no one else can hear, a feeling of
tears starting to appear out of nowhere.

Feelings Of Tears

Hearts of people feeling their way into minds filled
with whispers that no one else can hear, a feeling of
tears starting to appear out of nowhere.

Dangling Feelings

Music intensely touching the very within of intellect,
matching mind with words and definitions filled with
imagery and a natural spirituality.

Joining Feelings

Joining feelings of an interior sadness, being filled with
it's incessant and sparkling tears, gently dropping one by
one from either eye, showing the emotions going through at
any given time.

Sensitizing Feelings

Reaching interiorly, searching for purposes in life that
I expect are hiding within.

Gliding back and forth, not wanting to solidify or be

Genuine Feelings Of Knowledge

Wrapping and unwrapping thoughts, throwing away paper
enfolding them.

Alighting incessantly within this mind, grasping onto

Raking Feelings

Stampeding through deserts of feelings,
trampling them all and leaving them to
dry out in the hot desert sun.
To be purified from all of existence and

Bunches Of Feelings

Sirens soundly signaling the start of sorrow's sing song voice, penetrating places in hearts where reminders of love reside.
Touching softly so as not to tear it in two, feelings gather in bunches, holding on to one another so none of their lives are destroyed.

Exchange Feelings

Fighting for the reserves I need to keep on going,
barely hanging onto the center of my universe.
Only wanting to exchange happy for sad feelings so
I can write away the pain hanging on inside my heart

Producing Feelings

Stirring Perfect Feelings

Playing piano, listening to perfect tones as they touch
and play with rhythms of pleasant treasures being held
inside while living.

Infinite Feelings

Whenever I hold onto memories, tears glisten joyfully,
touching heart and soul gently poetical.

Feelings peace-filled interiorly, unafraid of wandering

Death Erases Everything Except Memories And Feelings

Settling into moments of despair when your parents die is a
heart-wrenching experience, tearing one's heart and mind to
the core of one's being.

Mysterious Feelings Of Belonging

Soft lights shining in a romantic gaze, turning minds towards
desires as they move out into the motions of measures in many

Guitar Touching Feelings

Chugging along the tracks, everyone smiling and keeping step
in measures of rhythms, loving how the sounds turned into
colors bursting everywhere.

Guitar - Touching Feelings

Chugging along the tracks, everyone smiling and keeping step
in measures of rhythms, loving how the sounds turned into
colors bursting everywhere.

Peaceful Tandems Of Tomorrow's Feelings

Seeing energy and purpose flowing into this heart filled
with active and vivid rhythms as the mood continues to
increase, and the night grows shorter.

Feelings Pursuing This Mind

Sailing across oceans of interior dimensions, a solace like
none other, solicitously moving through many hours of the
day and night.

Composing Feelings

Enticing rhythms egging me on, taking emotions and filtering
them with their sounds, easing tension and stress immediately,
turning bleak moments into landscapes of nature and beauty.

Defeating Feelings

Thoughts running around and through this mind, heart listen-
ing for sounds of feelings rumbling in my being, telling
tales of how I'm feeling deep inside.

Natural Feelings

Taking time through memories of yesterday when we were
together, touched by your unconditional love beneath
the covers as we became one.

Sprouting Feelings

Joyful light, finding an enlightenment filtering through
music as it flows down and through an interior waterfall
of this mind.

Elevating Feelings

Smoothly slowing in the still of the night,
elevating feelings of apprehensive thoughts,
starting to multiply into heaven's spaces.

Heart's Open Fields Of Feelings

Mind tackling rhythms in folds of this open mind and brain, touching upon facts and truth as they're being found out on a constant basis.

Watching as they combat depression and despair - never letting them entering in a positive mind, brain, intellect, keep-ing this heart in an open field of feelings.

Lengthening Feelings

Outcomes of seasonal plaintives, exhaust memories as they
exercise and pour their hearts into abysses of elicit

Photographic Feelings

Silently quiet, stirring grey matter, trying to adjust
to hidden feelings now rising above all else.

Feelings Of Well-Being

Picking apart measures of adjacent melodies,
sorting though them in lackadaisical efforts.

Following every note through mazes of intellect,

Feelings Of Liberty

Reason has fled along with logic and sense,
because I have no room for them in my present
state of mind.

Iobic Feelings

Just before nightfall the world is still - quiet -
Winds have died down, breezes have disappeared.
A white and light blue sky has an iobic feeling

Empty Feelings

Silent rhythms playing in dreams of sleep, soothing hearts
and minds who have lost loved ones during this Christmas

Drowning Feelings

Depravation being sung into lyrics of a song, touching inner
feelings lying beneath the surface, shame being pronounced
out loudly in rhythms.

Broken Feelings

Arizona rain cleansed, pure and unadulterated, continuing
with a childhood innocence deep within, teardrops of yes-
terday filling senses with broken feelings of love.

Feelings Forming Words

Many feelings forming words of poetry innately, taking life into
interior spheres where all of fantasy and imagination gathers

Feelings Emerge

Thinking back into yesterday, sadly missing many whom I've
loved and lost, suffering when thought of, tears smarting
both eyes.

Loving Feelings Of Freedom

Racing with rhythms, soaring into the heavens, loving the feel-
ing of freedom that overtakes spirit and soul so quietly yet
exuberantly throughout the day.

Chocolate Covered Feelings

Chocolate covered feelings being relished and savored
in my mind.
Deliciously touching my heart's private chambers,
alerting them to untold stories of unrelinquished

Cumbrous Feelings

Sadness flowing from a heart,
going down river in a steady motion
taking my life with it to foreign shores.

Becoming Feelings

Feelings of love deeply crease my being,
becoming part of who I am.
As life travels down lonely highways, I
hold love closely on every journey

Oozing Feelings

Touching my mind with titillating sounds of
intrinsic melodies from somewhere above my

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