Angie M..

Angie M.. Poems

It comes in light gusts of relief
where prayer needs no voice,
no thoughts... it's just a part of you

Sharp new challenges
Space brightens and more defined
Less shilly-shally

Scattering the light
Projecting the negative

A sudden awareness
and everything makes sense
scary and wonderful

Of course knowing one hill over
may be in rhyme

and it's not to say

Spring is here again
We all wait for the first blades to come to light
while regrets are the worms that squirm through the soil
until Heaven does give its Dew, and the robins tug them away.

when truth is smothered
compassion is not absent
separate views twist

Intraocular pressure
Days but slices of science
Satisfaction sensed

just because my mind doesn't change
it doesn't mean there's resistance
It's just in a world of speculation
with little bits of fact

are kindly quiet
still pleasantly shocking
quite enjoyable
A little fun

Clock in: life events
Gothic Big Ben just towers
yet ground gained still chimes

Just indirect comfort level
the moments I have to transform

It kind of goes like this...

looking forward to new memories
relief from a change of perspective

Passive gratitude
sacrifices lay dormant
all-embracing heights

though side walls may bend
to pack and not seal risky
ancient echos hush

It's the extra mile
there's a sacrifice when long lanes are needed
and when short lanes are sharper
all make headway

and bored of hearing, annoyed when not learning, avoiding the thinking, a bitter battering
the dim light delight

but then I get bored of that too...

Given time planned
My thoughts a reward
Safe strategies

Repeated effort
Mastering of disasters
Just mindful mixing

The Best Poem Of Angie M..

Many Reasons

some foolish, some wise
and some have gone unjustified
some heard, many ignored
so most are given to the lord

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The quiet days you know of

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