A Dark Lifetime ...

A Dark Lifetime ... Poems

Eyes in the night watching her
Everything is unstable, what a blur
Cold breaths and hidden cries
Black dawn with immortal eyes

The Snow Queen
The children run and hides behind closed doors
When the last leaf hits the ground
Now awakens a new force

Tik Tok Tik Tok

Falling in a wolrd of fear
Smiling with the cat

Nothing, nothing
I feel a desire
Just to feel something, something
Hurt me

Its enough to fool them all
Its enough to stand tall
Its enough to dropp the ball

End a fire who burns for truth
An awful desire to drain youth
And an ocean who cant control its waves
Pushed away to something you hate

Tapping the ceeling
My fingers burns
I have this feeling
That Im not heard

Silly little boy
Stop your tiny tears
Dont you see that no one in this room
Really cares..

Holding eyes of a liar
Then run away
Run away...
And maybe they will come back to you

Send to find a heart
Lost and cant find back
Where to go? Where is the start?
The sky is turning terrifically black...


Locked up and the door is old
Somehow it turned black
This room is now so cold
That my breath is stepping back

Fearless cries screaming out
Sooner or later it will shout
For every life left on earth
To forget their birth

Can I move on?
Can I really forgett?
Will it all be gone?
Before i regret

I dont wanna be a stranger
I dont wanna be that far
I dont wanna be drag into the danger
I dont wanna my life turns bizarre

I couldnt tell you, you know
Those empty eyes where destined
To forever and ever be alone


Watching those people passing me by
No one cares about me
The are conviced in there own lie
No one wants to be here to see

The waves hit the cliff in the dust
The stones fell deeper down to the black
Like they where greeving for the ocean in its own lust
They new when they fell that there was no truning back

I need to belive in me
Of the one I become to be
Even if they died
Ofcourse they all cried

'God do you hear me?
Please forgive me
I have sinned
Please don’t hate me..'

Hell no, take this
Fire, erase me
Flower, reborn free...

A sign that cries light

The Best Poem Of A Dark Lifetime ...

Black Dawn

Eyes in the night watching her
Everything is unstable, what a blur
Cold breaths and hidden cries
Black dawn with immortal eyes

A prince of darkness, the mighty night
Watched by solders and shining knights
In a kingdom he rules in fear
And she is getting near

Midnight sun was now close
She felt the fear till her bones
She got closer and didnt give in
Though life saw it as a sin

She sees a star and she sees a man
The prince saw her and ran
They kissed even if it was unknown
Better with beautiful strangers than all alone

She was chosen by his voice
She was his only full blooded choice
Everything else was still in night
Where he still ruled in fright

The light shines brightest in the dark
Together they left a red, thorny mark
No one accepted these lovers two
A midnight sun, a black dawn
Hated, feared for a love so true

A Dark Lifetime ... Comments

Try reading my poems to know what love is pls

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