Aase Berg

Aase Berg Poems

battlefield molossoids, gigant elephants, the smoke from war stallions, the block print from the chest supports and diaphragms, shivering clamp-thighs, inner muscles, sunk into seat -

Against the face of Ivo in a cathedral of writhing through days and nights in the steel.

Ivo can climb gloom-blue up through the dimensions in the girders of the highest Ferris Tower - along the beams of geometric direction toward the heavy self.

The bedrock wrenches its mass and ends up in the right notch. Continental plates topple and are cleft. Come Leatherface, my love, glide into the face of the secret's bestial longing. Feel the surface contact that boils shakes hard beneath the fragile grainboundaryskin.

Whales want water
hollow in water
lightness in fatness
flight in blubber

The rubber tumbler glides
along the uneons of time
The eons of echo time
One rams into walls
of one's opposite

here hangs the bite
waiting for blubber
for many thousand years
of slowness

Tabula rasa -
the set table

razed under
its own weight

While the mud slowly stiffens on the table top and
on the woman's body smeared in mud cracks Golem
the intestinal parasite folds out and reaches the stage

I want to be a bird. Birds are never free.
They are in complete control.

My little girl steps into a room, any room,
and announces herself: ‘Ich bin Alma!'
When you dis me, it doesn't have anything to do with me.

It is a horse and it says No.
But the human says Want you.

The new Highway E4 between Enånger and Hudiksvall before
it is opened to traffic. A cold planet platform in future tense seen through
the woods.

Goats crowded together,
stiffeyesclosed fastwind
heapedtogether on the flatbed

The liquor man
in a male body
is 100 kg heavier
than a human

The Master strikes
or doesn't,

whether he strikes

She knows
who gets to
beat her

Nanoblack horses, vantablack net-fishery in the pearl of Polaris.
A hard dull pearl of synthetic material. Or Pinctada
margaritifera-cumingi, grown in mussels in Tahiti. Local

Starr sting pain scale. Sudden sorrow has a color
and it is yellow and resembles poison, the sun. Your
face is very different when you don't smile, when

Trematodes live inside snails in moist environments. They glide
up the snails' antennae and start to blink. That is how they cause
the host animal to climb up a reed where a little light show takes place.

Who is the first parasite of a hyper-parasite?
Can a host insect cross-corrupt its scent-communication?
But no crypto-brain, no ping-seeking heart beats me.
You, my aquarium for star-fishing, and I,

Aase Berg Biography

Aase Berg (born 1967) is a Swedish poet and critic. Aase Berg was among the founding members of the Stockholm Surrealist Group in 1986 and published an early book on their publishing company Surrealistförlaget in 1988. During the late 1990s she emerged as one of the most prominent young poets in Sweden and has since 1997 had several collections of poetry published by various branches of the Bonnier publishing house, the largest and most prestigious in Sweden. Aase Berg made her debut as a prose writer with a short story in the collection Perversioner: 12 noveller om avvikelser, published on Vertigo, the publishing company of Carl-Michael Edenborg, another member of the Stockholm surrealist group. Berg has also been editor of the literary journal Bonniers Litterära Magasin (commonly known as BLM), has contributed to the journal 90tal, later renamed 00tal, and is a critic for the newspaper Expressen.)

The Best Poem Of Aase Berg

Battlefield molossoids

battlefield molossoids, gigant elephants, the smoke from war stallions, the block print from the chest supports and diaphragms, shivering clamp-thighs, inner muscles, sunk into seat -

the scale's hard horse-throws ring out

red runs behind, in front of the eyelids

and it is night in Njutånger

Translation: Johannes Göransson

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