Abubakar Bello Poems

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The Hard Truth

The Great Advise

Fate And Destiny

O toiler through the glooms of night in peril and pain
Your toiling stint for daily bread comes not by might and main
Seest you not the fisher seeks a float upon the sea?
His bread, while glimmer stars of night as set in tangled skin

Perfect Beauty

She rose like the moon as she shone through the night
And she glided the groove with her gracious sight
From her radiance the sun taketh increase when
She unvieleth and shameth the moonshine bright.

Perfect Beauty 2

On sun and moon of palace cast thy sight
Enjoy her flower like face, her fragrant light.
Thine eyes shall never see in hair so black.
Beauty encase a brow so purely white.

Love In My Heart

"Love in my heart she lit and went her way
How long this life of woe? How long this life of love longing?
When shall reunion day come?
Oh my love oh my sight, some Ruth please show to me

The Ghetto

"Living deep in the darkness of an apocalypse night
Yelling and shouting of pains filled the sleepless night
Anger and travail expresses the gloomy night
Children and women roaming in the darkest night.

The Arabian King

*The Arabian King*
_A Duet by Abubakar Bello and Brother Sadeeq_

*Brother Sadeeq: *

The Path To Success: Duet By Brother Sadeeq

Abubakar Bello:
"How many by my labor, that evermore endure,
All good of life enjoy and in Cooley shade recline?
What shall a hapless do when he front his foes,

The Ultimate Guidance A Duet By Abubakar Aliyu

*The Ultimate Guidance.*

*Abubakar Bello: *

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