Ace Of Black Hearts Poems

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The Power To Do Nothing

A useless discussion with the sounds of trumpets in the background.
Some would say indeed you are only tooting your own horn.
Dictating words back to sounding board.
If it has no life, how could we expect it to be reasonable in the art of reasoning.

The Last Of Your Time

Why so serious?
Where's the daily laughter?
Remembering the childhood happily ever after.
The images wash over you in this waking dream.

The Awakening

Appealing to ones own better interest.
A confession not written out of love, but blood.
A forced reckoning.
Hours upon deliberation still no settlement can be found in the hands of the cruel and unjust men.

Silent Night Of The Crow

Some nights are empty.
Others are filled with the crows soul.
Mimicking its masters emotions.
All knowing and all ever present.

Human Extiniction

The invisible.
The cloud floating on bye.
How many are counted.
Better yet how many are not.

The Human Vampire.

Who are these men in disguise.
Can they even be considered human?
Is it our most primal instinct that is destroying the world?
A curiosity that can never be satisfied.

Birds Flight

The most basic instinct is just survival.
But sometimes we question whether it is enough when going ons get rough.
A refined rough edge is made over time.
And the longer we go the more we feel like we're losing our mind.

A Repeating Echo

I don't care what you say.
Don't tell me this life isn't worth living.
A fight down to last dying breath.
God I'm such a mess.

An Idea Not So New

Everyday a new quote.
Everyday a new boat, with a new place to sail.
It is not enough to just be part of something.
You must stay current to the times.

And The Corruption Contiues To Grow

The corruption runs through heart of every institution.
From your local grocer, to presidential administration.
From the very last dollar in your pocket, to the international monetary fund.
Pollution runs rampant.

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