Dr John Celes Acrostic Poems

Misty Mountain Mirage (An Acrostic)

Mountainous terrain steep
In the Tibetan plateau, where the
Sky almost
Touches the horizon

Adorable Are Women As Mothers (A Mother’s Day Acrostic)

Adorable are women as mothers!
Detestable when they can kill children;
Obtainable when purchased for a sum;
Reputable when they can reach great heights;

On Patriotism (An Acrostic)

You love your motherland –
One, where you were born and nurtured in
Unknown ways, most miraculously.

Lenten Reflections 2013 (In Acrostic)

L earn to love God in every way you can
E nter into a divine accord with the Lord
N ourish your mind, heart and soul with piety
T rounce satan and devils for eternity

Teacher’s Day (In Acrostic)

Teaches and trains even the worst pupil
Ever ready to help the student in troubled times
Allows students to nurture their talents
Chides and punishes justly

Sixty-Sixth Independence Day Of India (In Acrostic)

Indians, we all are brothers and sisters
Nation is called Bharat, our beloved Motherland
Destiny, we share a common one
Integrity of states and citizens is prime

Trust God (An End-Rhyme Acrostic)

Trust God with all your heart
Receive His blessings from the start
Understand His Will and make it your goal
Savour His love and care for your soul

Happy (Acrostic)

Happiness is a state of mind
And heart, evanescent, but
Permanent, if grace of God and
Providence bless

Dr Kalaignar M. Karunanidhi (An Acrostic)

Lovingly dedicated to our beloved Chief Minister of Tamilnadu,
On his birthday,03-06-2010

Dravidian Movement leader of great repute

Assumption Of The Blessed Mary, Ever Virgin (In Acrostic)

Assumed into heaven with angel choirs accompanying the admirable
Star of the sea, Singular, Spiritual vessel,
Saint above all saints and Seat of Wisdom,
Undefiled, inviolate body and soul under the vision of Christ as His beloved

Who's Jesus? (In Acrostic)

Jesus is the only Son and Lord of God the Father, Creator of the Universe,
Emmanuel meaning ‘God with us' is His name, who was
Sent by His Father to be born as a sinless man
Under the power of the Holy Spirit from a virgin's womb to

Indian Independence Day (In Acrostic)


Merry Christmas 2015 (In Acrostic)

Christ is born, a baby boy today
Hope for human race, Hallelujah, Hosanna in the Highest.
Rejoices Heaven for this mysterious ‘miracle of miracles'
Instilling joy and peace in hearts of all human beings,

Independence Day Of India 2014 (In Acrostic)

I am an Indian by birth
No one dare questions my citizenship
Democracy is the rule of my beloved motherland
Every fellowman is equal in all aspects

Valentine’s Day (An Acrostic)

Victory to all hearts at love;
Amazing words of love exchange;
Love fills the air everywhere;
E-mails sent in lovely hues and tones of love;

Pongal ‘o’ Pongal (In Acrostic)

Obeisance to God
New avenues in life
Gratitude to God

Family Meal (In Acrostic)

Food savory
And palatable dishes
Make taste buds well out saliva
Immediately and instantaneously as

P: peerless, phenomenal, professional personality;
pedantic practitioner of Orthopaedics;
patient parley-partaker and patron;
pain-killer and pains-taker;

Doctor’s Day,2010(Acrostic)

Doctors are a noble lot
Often misunderstood, a slot
Caring for the sick and dying
They comfort the anguished and crying

The Owl Can’t Miss Killing The Rat! (An Acrostic)

The owl has landed on the ground,
Honing its clawed-feet, and its beak,
Eyeing the rat that plays so near,

Candle (Acrostic Brevity)

Can men in darkness see clearly?
Alas, the blind have better sight in dark!
No man is comfortable without light
Destroy the darkness in your life

60th Independence Day Of India (An Acrostic)

I Love My Motherland India Because:

Integrity of the nation is paramount
No one is above the laws of the land

Wisdom (Acrostic)

Wisdom is from above
Its price is more than gold
Solomon king got aplenty
Despised by fools but

For Your Love-At-First-Sight (An Acrostic)

F or weeks on end, I’ve been trying to tell
O ut my heart-felt emotions of love to you to
R eveal my sincere love for

A-Z Acrostic Poem

All brave challenges demanding enormous flair,
Genuinely harnessing innate judgment, knack, luck
Managing negativistic opinions, prevailing quarrels,
Rendering solid tactics unpalatable vile

Sweepstakes (Shadow Acrostic)

Some believe in making fast bucks
When luck sometimes smiles somehow,
Eventually turning rich transiently, ere
Every sign of fortune vanishes into a state

Mother (In Acrostic) For Happy Mom’s Day

Mother, you gave me precious birth
Of life, with soul and earthly mirth,
That helped me see God’s grandeur – earth,
Heralding heaven’s way, far worth;

World Poetry Day 2021 (An Acrostic)

Words from heart that make you feel much more than see
On any theme under the sun
Relieving stress, relaxing, recreational, reminiscing,
Loving the universe created by God, the Master Word-painter

Theme: ‘we can; I can.'

Cancer is real and truly on the rise
Awaken to its challenges and act early

Mother’s Day, India,2015 (In Acrostic)

Mom’s your special procreator
Offer your obeisance with love
Take care of her when she turns old
Honor her like your daddy, well

Valentine's Day (In Acrostic)

Visit someone you missed in life
And couldn't become your wife
Love those who couldn't know what is love
Ever since birth by fate

Happy New Year (An Acrostic)

New Year Resolutions…

Halt the selfishness of heart, mind and body
Allow patriotic feelings to come up to the fore

Good Day (The Meaning, In An Acrostic)

Get going for the
One who labors hard
Only can succeed in life
Despite challenging problems that come every

A Spiritual Acrostic

When things go awry and
Hell is unleashed on earth
Faith and hope must stronger grow;
Remember the Holy Spirit

Father's Day (An Acrostic)

Father dear, we miss you today -
And all your sacrifices,
The love and care you showed;
Harmony you restored;

Easter (Acrostic)

Emmanuel, was born on Christmas Day from the Blessed Virgin's womb
And power of the Holy Spirit. The
Son of God and second person in the Holy Trinity, He
Took the death on cross for mankind's redemption. His blood washes

Christmas (An Acrostic)

Christ was born at Bethlehem
Hosanna in the Highest and peace to men of good-will
Rejoice as the miraculous child brings joy to the world

Binge (Brevity Acrostic)

Birth needn’t give mirth on earth always as
Iniquities of human mind, body and heart
Neutralize the nurtured virtues, feats and accomplishments by
Giving in to vice, ignoring good advice, as spirits of inebriation akin dice

Unparliamentarian Behavior(In Acrostic)

Unless all
Nations say ‘no’ to wars and ‘yes’ to
Peace and realize the
Advantages of the

Thanksgiving (In Acrostic)

Thank God with all your
Heart, mind
And soul for
Not being cruel but

On Valentine’s Day ’10 (In Acrostic)

Orient your life amicably to family, friends, relatives and neighbors
Nullify those urges that take you down the lane to ruin

Vault in life with wisdom, cheer and contentment

Happy New Year,2010 (In Acrostic)

May the New Year,2010 bring about

Happiness in homes
Amity of nations

Acrostic Sonnet: God Made Me A Poet

God bestowed me with poesy so fine;
Only a few on earth are gifted thus;
Did I deserve to drink this wine divine?

Christmas 2007 Song – 8 (Acrostic)

C- Christ was born this day, two thousand years ago.
H- Halleluiah, born is the King of kings, and Lord of lords!
R- Redemption has made possible for all sinners to reach heaven.
I- Immanuel (emmanuel) was his name, meaning ‘God with us!

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