Algebra, Geometry, Trignometry...
are all the Children of Mathematics.
Number system, Arithmetic, Probalilities...
From among the Darkness of Sorrow
and the Depths of No Return...
Surprisingly emerges a Bubble of Hope and Happiness
To my Phantom of Delight...
I want to hold my head up high
I want to fly till I touch the sky
With promises of the rising sun galore
Down the oceans deep & dark she diffused;
Churned by the finest unheard-of melodies
Contrived the tunes so soft and lyrics so sweet
Beneath Autumn's amber canopy, crimson leaves descend,
Breeze hums soft, winds rustle, golden branches fend.
Fields wear coats of copper, the skies a mellow blue,
Earth rests ever peaceful, wrapped in dreamy prismatic view.
Come year 1969,
and a Giant leap to the Moon said it all.
The Paradox goes on and on...
An IT professional specializing in edutech and software development, I find solace in the simplicity of nature and strive for perfection in all I do. An introvert by nature, I seek peace in quiet spaces, far from the madding crowd!)
A Tribute To Mathematics
Algebra, Geometry, Trignometry...
are all the Children of Mathematics.
Number system, Arithmetic, Probalilities...
are all its Grand Children.
A Sphere is nothing...
but Dot expanded to a Big Zero.
A Line is the connect between 2 such Dots...
showing us the Path of Hope when all seems Zero.
A Triangle is happy to be three sided...
joined by 3 Straignt Forward Lines.
A Square is made up of 2 such Triangles...
and is also multiplied 'n' times 'n'.
This now reminds me of the There Square Meals...
and I am hungry for a Triangular Pie, Round Burger and a few Chop Sticks.