A Tribute To Mathematics Poem by Ajit Saigal

A Tribute To Mathematics

Rating: 5.0

Algebra, Geometry, Trignometry...
are all the Children of Mathematics.

Number system, Arithmetic, Probalilities...
are all its Grand Children.

A Sphere is nothing...
but Dot expanded to a Big Zero.

A Line is the connect between 2 such Dots...
showing us the Path of Hope when all seems Zero.

A Triangle is happy to be three sided...
joined by 3 Straignt Forward Lines.

A Square is made up of 2 such Triangles...
and is also multiplied 'n' times 'n'.

This now reminds me of the There Square Meals...
and I am hungry for a Triangular Pie, Round Burger and a few Chop Sticks.

Sunday, August 16, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: tribute
Rajnish Manga 16 August 2015

Wonders of Mathematics, its children and grand children provide exactness via academic spheres and a lot of fun through poetry. But the concluding lines force us to think about the problems facing our society and the country. Thanks.

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Ajit Saigal 16 August 2015

Thanks. Yes its the root cause of problems of our Society and the Country on the last line... also interpreting the Indian flag with its Kalchakra and Spokes: an accumulation of diversity and equality. Any suggestions on how to improve it?

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Ajit Saigal 16 August 2015

Written for my school going nephews

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