Alessandra Liverani Poems

Hit Title Date Added
- Bronwyn's Birthday: : Humour

It's Bronwyn's birthday today, her age has upped a notch
That's OK as long as on her wrinkles you don't keep watch
The spider veins, liver spots, grey hairs poking through
Are signs that on this earth, Bronwyn is not so new

- Gtky : : Humour

Hi, how are you? What’s your name?
We’re playing a GTKY kind of game
What on earth does GTKY stand for?
Getting To Know You, can you please tell us more

- The Truth: : Humour, Inspiration

Tell the truth, are you crazy, the truth is for fools
In my clever world it’s lying which rules
Why opt for something as silly as sincerity
When you can easily choose dishonesty

- Dining In Style: : Humour

We rented a DVD and ordered Thai for our date
From the kitchen he procured two paper plates,
Two plastic spoons and two plastic cups
In style was my date going to serve this meal up

- Buying Lunch: : Humour

'I might go out for some lunch, ' was the thought in Bill's head
I'll ask if anyone wants a meat pattie on bread
Lucy in accounts asked if he'd kindly buy
A cheeseburger, large coke and small packet of fries

- Latest Gossip: : Humour

Can someone please tell me
I'd like to know as well
What gossip a dog catches up on
When around the place it smells

- The Dining Table: : Humour

I have some friends, a man and wife
I'll tell you a bit about their life
So that you can get a grip
On what constitutes a relationship

- Yes Please : : Humour

I wrote a funny poem, and then I wrote one more
After several years I'd written twice a score
Humour With Lemon Pepper Sauce sounded a title good to me
So I went to a recording studio and put the lot on a CD

- The Worstest One: : Humour, Inspiration

The strongest, most powerful worstest fear of all
Is the one where what you fear is actually nothing at all
The fear that is generated out of thin air
Is the one of which you must be the most beware

- The Rooster: : Humour

Dear Mr Rooster, I have never had the pleasure
Of meeting you or seeing you and your splendid feathers
But I do hear you early every morning with the sun rising low
That is when insistently and persistently you decide to crow

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