Alonso Menendez

Alonso Menendez Poems

I came upon a body broken
Whose last words to me were spoken
“To the sun I flew too near
Now I lay dying here

As soon as you're born,
you're starting to die.
When you find love,
you're learning to cry.

You've heard Pearly Sweetcake from sunny San Rafael
How she smoked the Calistoga Kid is a story told by Shel
And though this was long ago and many years have since past
Still the rollers are afraid and none will say they're fast

The mask sits alone in a box at the far corner of the room. A green glow is emanating from the box. I cower under the sheets of my bed, peeking at it from under the covers. I am afraid of the dark energy. It calls to me in the seductive voice of a million pleasures. It promises of dreams come true but I have seen the nightmare. It is an eternity of betrayal and exploitation that consumes the soul till only a shadow remains.
I have been exiled from paradise and can only to see it from the other side of the mirror. The future is chaos and I am alone. I traded innocence for pain and believed in wisdom where there was only failure, chasing illusions that will never replace the emptiness left behind from what is lost.
This is a candy land of lies that stains the hands with the blood of victims never known, blurring the line between right and wrong and uses the art of rationalization to divide ourselves from our sins in the hope that we not be damned. We are dancing with morality all along avoiding her eyes. Do not look into her eyes. You cannot be blamed for what you did not see. I didn't know. There was no intent therefore the fault cannot be mine and so the consequences of karma are escaped. It is the way of the world.
I am but one voice being overwhelmed by the deafening roar of the machine, having no other options other than to be crushed by the gears and cogs or to surrender to the machines influence in exchange for the comforts that offer no comfort. They are temporary luxuries that fade with time into a mist of insignificance.

Left hand or right hand?
Is the answer they demand
Would you rather we cut off your left hand or your right hand
What part of the question don't you understand?

Twisted brain
Shredding time and space
Destroy all rational thought.

Na na na na, na na na na
Hey hey hey, gooddbye

The coffin is lowered into the ground

I stand accused of sowing seeds of revolution
Against the institution
By preaching love as a solution
Against the mental pollution


Once again, I'm one step ahead of disaster
But maybe I can get away if I run a bit faster
I can't seem to get off this hamster wheel
Now I am caught up in this devil's deal

Que bola asere, hola and good day
Bienvenidos a todos, que pasa U.S.A.?
I was born of this country
So she holds my home but not my history

Alonso Menendez Biography

'For what you do is what's meant to be And I will decide my own destiny' Alonso was born of Cuban parents in the Bronx, New York and at the age of four his family moved South Florida, which has been his home ever since. His poetry is extremely diverse in theme and style and he expresses himself not only with mere words, but also utilizing performance as an art form. He has performed on TV, radio and stage in venues ranging from intimate coffeehouses and bustling nightclubs to a variety of educational institutions including Florida International University, Miami-Dade Community College, and University of Kansas. He was awarded 'Best Book by a Local Author' in the Miami New Times' 'Best of Miami 2003 Readers Poll'. He competed at National Poetry Slam competition in 2003,2004 and 2005. In 2004 he opened for the Black Eyed Peas in Miami. In 2006, he performed at El Parque Central de Miraflores in Lima, Peru.)

The Best Poem Of Alonso Menendez

On Icarus' Wings

I came upon a body broken
Whose last words to me were spoken
“To the sun I flew too near
Now I lay dying here
I was Icarus, these were my wings”
Then I removed from him those broken things
As he took one last breath
And slipped off quietly to his death
Then an idea came to mind
My sweet angel I could now find
Repair these wings of feather and wax
Attach them securely to my back
Spread those wings on to the sky
To take me up so very high
On Icarus' wings I soar
To my love forever more
Higher, higher, ever higher I go
Earth getting smaller far below
I see my angel by the sun
When I reach her my flight is done
A little more I'm almost there
But suddenly I become aware
Sun melts these wings again
And I feel hot wax cause seering pain
The warning given I did not heed
So now I pay for my careless deed
Plunging down towards oblivion
For coming to close to the sun
But it's alright because in a while
I'll awake in heaven to my angel's smile

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