Amanda Shelton

Amanda Shelton Poems

I feel you crumbling in my arms
like a porcelain heart down
to the girth you fell so hard.

No one looks when we say goodbye
dying just to survive
all the things we set aside
all the friends we leave behind

Until it happens to you
you won't know it won't be real.

Just listen and see the truth,

If I fall would you catch me?

I once stood on mountains,
swam the depths of the ocean,

Love use to be my friend,
it use to hold me kiss me,
and it kept me safe.

Fear can make you stronger or weaker
it's up to you.

I learned, it's okay to not always be okay.

She's got diamonds in her eyes,
she glistens and shines.

Through the night I don't

I have seen humanities
shadow dancing beyond
my dreaming eyes.

love is rich with both honey and venom.

I collected many broken hearts over the years.
sat them in my glass jars of broken dreams,

Upon the rising of the sun
my dreams poured out upon the lukewarm beams,
as I began to stream
my light grew and grew.

I dear to set brush fires
in people's minds!
Revolution is action
upon revelation!


In the end!

After humanity has caught the last fish, after they dug up all that is left, after they cut down the last tree, and drank the last drop of clean water, only then will human beings see the devastation of their activities.

Memories are priceless
because they only happen
once in a lifetime.

Let me help you step through
the looking glass so you can
see what's on the other side
of me.

Upon this plot I plant my roots,
row by row I built my garden.

I grew my thoughts like seeds

Anxiety takes me like a wave,
rolling over me choking me.

I reach for the shore and it

I am not a gender, I am a person
with thoughts ideas and I live.

You might think this is a man's world,

Life is like crashing waves,
always rolling sometimes colliding
with our dreams.

Here I am, sitting on pens and needles
pain is my companion.

I wasn't born a renegade, or a knight


The buildings are rotten
and decayed, you left
my heart in ruins.

Amanda Shelton Biography

I was born 3th of July 1981 in Bakersfield California USA. I suffered abuse, illness, and neglect the first nine years of my life and survived. I learned to cope by writing, and helping others who suffered similar situations as I did. I also joined the Goth community back in 1989, I finally felt I belonged. My mother whom helped me to become the person I am today, fought long and hard to become a better person so she could raise me and my brother. My father did his best too, after five years he final found a beautiful woman and married her. I lost my mother on 5th of December 2014 six days before her 58th birthday from cancer. She was my best friend and confidant. I am a strong person even though I have lost a lot of loved ones over just a span of 33 years. I also got brain surgery on 15th of January 2010, called [DBS] Deep Brain Stimulator for a condition I suffer from called Dystonia, it is a rare movement disorder. I am now living on my own with my cat Sassy Nanny Pooh Shelton or you can call her Boo.)

The Best Poem Of Amanda Shelton

Life's Only One Road Trip, I've Chosen Me

I feel you crumbling in my arms
like a porcelain heart down
to the girth you fell so hard.

Why don't you take what you want,
why don't you take what you need,
why don't you take what you came for
and leave me alone?

Life's too short to keep running
from the beast.

Life's only one road trip,
I've chosen me.

No narcissist is going to control me.

You left your shadow hovering over
my bed, with your vampire teeth.

My lucid dreams are bleeding,
bleeding black and deep.

You will never meet anyone like me.

Why don't you take what you want,
why don't you take what you need,
why don't you take what you came for
and leave me alone?

Life's too short to keep running
from the beast.

Life's only one road trip,
I've chosen me.

Amanda Shelton Comments

Amanda Shelton Quotes

love is rich with both honey and venom.

My life is well lived. Like a pair of worn out jeans, I'm torn and tattered but I faded into a nice shade of gray.

'You might like it if I was shady like you, I'd become something more than just your shadow. My thorns will no longer be soft and pliable, and my stem will forever be green and youthful. While you burnout, like the flame you are.'

I think like a river, my muse overflows every time.

'I can do anything I believe I can do, as long as it's not magic.'

'Dying to meet our feet will guide, but only our hearts have the right to decide.'

A survivor faces fear to build bridges to safety, bravery is on the other side.

I was born with a pen in one hand and ideas in the other.

Wisdom doesn't live on the tip of an owls wings, it comes on a gush of wind that knocks you down. An owl just stares and watches you fall. That's a hoot.

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