Ananta Madhavan Poems

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The Mind Awakening

At dawn the mind awakening
Is unsure of When and Where,
It is a border zone of dream-time
And what may be reality, a trance.

A Morning Moon At Dawn

One recent evening after dusk I sat repining
My discomfitures and saw the full moon
Staring at me derisively. That night
I slept in fragments. It was almost four.

The Sky Is Vast Enough

The sky has room enough for countless globes and globules,
Flying debris, comets, meteorites and shards of rock
From ores never to be mined by robots or Aliens.

The Lulling Lure Of Karnatic Music

Fellow lovers of Karnatic music,
‘Namaste'. Salutations to you.

‘Rasikas' are those who relish and taste

A Teenager's Lament And Change

It piques my little self to know
That though I lived, the world is so.
For all my wit, droll words and wares
This proud mankind a ‘damn it' cares.

No Misogyny For Anon

Some call thee ‘Frailty',
Misquoting Shakespeare,
Whose ‘Hamlet, Prince of Denmark', says,
'Frailty, thy name is Woman.'

Lunar Looks

Last night the full moon shone effulgent, a silvered plate,
Neither sphere nor rotund globe. The moon, our satellite,
Lacks our earthly faculty to revolve in orbit:
A prudent and calculable habit.

In Griffith Park, North Hollywood, Twenty Years Ago

That day, twenty years ago, was perfect for the outing;
Sunny, but cool enough to wear a sweater or cardigan.
North Hollywood, famed for its cinematic myths
And ‘stellar' galaxies; a ‘must-see' view of a wooded hill,

Blue Bus To L.A. Downtown,1996

On Tuesday we took the Blue Bus to explore
Los Angeles downtown, China town and Little Tokyo;
Saw huge civic buildings agleam with glass and chromium,
And shining marble-faced panels.

Awake Or In Dream-Light

At times, awake or in dream-light,
I feel adrift, unable to distinguish
The elements as separate. What I see
Is merged with the tactile sense

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