Andrew D Robertson

Andrew D Robertson Poems

I see her in the morning.
I think of her in the night.
And all the hours in between,
She enslaves my very sight.

The swirling, twirling steam
swirled up and up and up.
My nose followed the scent
and stretched down, down, down.

As I watch closely,
Expertly stalking my prey,
She still amazes me.

Oh fog! Oh fog!
What do I see?
Nothing! Nothing!
I can't even see me!

The rain, such a pain
Please make it go away.
The flooding; the mess;
What did I do to deserve this?


There she goes again, smiling brightly
With a twinkle in her eye.
She doesn't notice me,
So she walks on by.

I was wandering down the street one day when my eyes fell upon the most exquisite sight: An angel was in the midst.

She was gliding through a throng, oblivious to all the averting heads, and then she was gone. She may be gone, but her beauty and my wonder remain.

Ten thousand years have gone
Since the guarding of the stone.
Many sordid battles were fought
And all ended with scattered bones.

Love is blind.
Love is hell.
Yet, in the distance,
I hear the chime of wedding bells.

As I looked upon her, the hourglass tipped
And I knew my time was running out.
I lay there, thinking of all the things I could've said,
Somehow, missing the one thing I wished to say.

Twenty years or more ago
When I was just a boy,
You came to me in a dream
And filled my heart with joy.

As I saw her laying there,
I began to weep.
Tears were flooding my face
For a reason I could not explain.

Time to go now, but not for good.
Sleep is calling and so is food.
Needing to clean, I run abound
Till I find you on the ground.

Today is September fourth.
It's a perfect, beautiful day.
The sun is shining brightly.
A slight breeze is caught in the trees.

You know the feeling
When everything's going your way?
I can describe that in just four words:
Hell froze over today!

Board games, card games,
your games, my games,
I can't get enough!
Checkers, Chess, Stratego,

A fractured heart,
so dormant and empty.
Balance was lost
as the strands that

The Best Poem Of Andrew D Robertson


I see her in the morning.
I think of her in the night.
And all the hours in between,
She enslaves my very sight.

Her shiny black hair
Is like silky waves of night.
Her deep blue eyes are
Portals of mysterious light.

Her smile is magnificent.
Her teeth are always glimmering.
Her body is phenomenal.
Her laughter is always ringing.

She has a corner office.
I have a corner store.
I await the moment every morning
When she opens up my door.

She is perfect
In every single way.
All she has to do
Is everything I say.

She's married with children.
I'm single with none.
She seems so intense,
But maybe she's the one.

She'll be here soon.
What do I do?
I've absolutely, positively
Fallen for Sue.

I'm a fool.
I've fallen into a trap.
Help me find my way.
Can you lend me a map?

She's intoxicating.
She's out of her mind.
She follows me home
And tries to be kind.

She rearranges my furniture.
She decorates my house.
She adores this little puppy
That looks like a mouse.

She whispers and gossips
And whistles and prances.
She sends everyone into
Their own kind of trances.

She tasted better
Than blueberry wine.
She sure did crush this
Little heart of mine.

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