Angel of Death

Angel of Death Poems

This world is filled with hate

Hate against life
Hate against your friends

She's in her room
At night
In darkness

'I'm so hungry, mommy! '
But there is no food
Will this little kid die?
Just because of hunger?

And the moon shines so bright

I'm so hurt
My heart is broken
My soul damaged
Please come and fix me

No fun
Just empty laughing
No luck
Just empty wishes

What a beautiful morning
So gorgeous
Red like fire

A polygraph examination
I am on the chair
The question: 'Are you alive? '
My answer: 'Yes.'

It's so cold up here
So damn cold
The people
They`re not looking at me

All those scars on her arms
Those bloody scars
This great loss of blood
It's flowing like a river

Unendliche Weiten
Um mich herum
Und ich?
Ich bin in der Mitte.

In mir
Um mich herum

The Best Poem Of Angel of Death

A World Filled With Hate

This world is filled with hate

Hate against life
Hate against your friends
Hate against your pet
Hate against the rain
Hate against a busdriver
Hate against your teacher
Hate against your parents
Hate against your brothers and sisters
Hate against a difficult game
Hate against your job
Hate against the way you live
Hate against your body
Hate against a withering flower
Hate against a not-working car
Hate against someone hurting you
Hate against a child that doesn't obey
Hate against the cloudy sky
Hate against God
Hate against the death

So much hate in everyone of us
We're filled with it

But only a little dropp of love
In this hate filled world
Could overcome every bit of hate

Angel of Death Comments

Jihad T 15 January 2009

nice words keep writing

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