Aniruddha Pathak Poems

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Why Me Of All?

Why despite His immense bliss
A tragedy like this
And why fate's such cruelty
Should of all happen to me?

Butterfly And Its Belief

I hope to enjoy morning sun
Whilst drinking drops of fresh dew
Balancing snugly upon you,
Worry not, I won't be much burden

Great Liberation

Soon as something is known,
We know, not much is known,
And often palpably so—
That nigh but naught we know.

Humour's Fine But…

We wish, you feel at home, cartoon said,
Not in good spirit still, I'm afraid,
Truth twisted, sacrificed,
At cost and steeply priced,

Happiness: I Know Thou, Not Still

Man's is useless passion, a thinker said,
Life is futile, a foison of stale dreams,
And not worth all the fuss heretofore made,
Which, more is made, more futile to me seems.

Bread For Breakfast

Forget fair breakfast of fish— instead,
Today we'll have to make do with bread.
Thank God for small mercies,
Man a litter-bug is,

Words Well Worth 37: Drop By Drop They Fill

Drop by drop are drops when caught
Fills up even a large pot,
So is a lesson's learning,
Virtue and wealth, all earning,

Horses For Any Courses

Some horses are not for a race course,
Whilst some seem to be a fertile source
For what's called horse trading—
Amidst desert a spring,

Childhood, What A Cherished Song

I still remember Madhavas1 so well,
A water-hole to unwind in sweltering June,
From crusty school-fields to dusty farm-fields,
And do-nothings— morn to night's silver noon!

Working From Home

This patent, said queen-bee does for long
To me only and wholly belong—
For working from one's home,
Not from the office dome,

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