Anne Marie

Anne Marie Poems

Happy birthday Sheila Smith, from all of us to you,
I hope you have a lovely year, of being 72!

I love you Nan, you're the best, that there could ever be,

It’s hard to cry a tear, for a person you resent,
It’s hard to shout and scream, yet hard to stay content,

It’s hard to say “I hate you” when to them you are related,

In a distant, faraway land
Lies a creature of infinite worth
It grows forever and ever,
It’s a being as old as the earth

Mixed up feelings, blended thoughts, circling my head,
Forever spinning, never winning, emotions in the red,

Extreme confusion, heartbeat pounding, thumping like a drum,

This must be love that I am feeling, when my heart begins to flutter,
This must be love that I am feeling, as my lips begin to mutter,

This must be love that I am feeling, as my body starts to shake,

Plain and simple in my view
Normality through and through

The same as others mine was not

In a mystical land where the rain fails to sprinkle, and rainbows fail to glow,
The stars in the sky have lost their twinkle, the wind can’t seem to blow,

The sun it hangs, up in the sky yet doesn’t know how to shine,

As wind blows and leaves rustle, always have a smile on your face
As rain falls and roads flood, the water you should, try to embrace,

As the world fights and war breaks out, be sure to keep peace in your heart

As crimson kiss moon clouds fill the sky, over emotions of a velvet black night,
Earl grey seagulls soar past one another piercing the glowing moonlight

With large splashes of powder blue waves and faint echoes of a life faraway,

You're the apple of my eye,
You're the sunshine in my sky,
You're the fire of this love,
Which burns for you and I,

World is dark and dreary now, it has no cause to thrive,
Heart is cold and empty now, with you it was alive,

Eyes are spilling tears now, salty like the ocean,

There once was a time when animals roamed,
As free as the birds, the trees were their homes,

The sun would rise high and shine on free land,

As sun rises upon this land through purple clouds and flirting sparrows
Rain stops dripping, kids start skipping as gardeners fill their barrows

A masked crusader upon a pink horse goes galloping over hills

The Best Poem Of Anne Marie

Thank You Nan (Sheila Smith)

Happy birthday Sheila Smith, from all of us to you,
I hope you have a lovely year, of being 72!

I love you Nan, you're the best, that there could ever be,
I want to say, thank you Nan, for all you do for me,

Thank you Nan, for all your love, for having faith in me,
For taking time to make clear, things I didn't see,

Thank you for the good times, the days you fill with pleasure,
Thank you for the memories and feelings that I treasure,

You're my up when I'm down, like the stars up in the sky,
You're the smile upon my face and here's the reason why:

You touch my life with kindness, you know just what I need,
Your caring nature shows so much in every thought and deed,

Even through your tough times, and troubles that you've had,
You're still there for others, and to help you're always glad,

You've been through a lot in life, I'm proud of who you are,
You're an inspiration, you truly are a star,

You're our guardian angel, to guide us through the years,
To give us your advice, and soothe away our tears,

You're our family guru, you make or lives complete,
You're the centre of our world, you keep us on our feet,

You're here for us when times are good, and when times are tough,
To say a great big "thank you" just doesn't seem enough,

To show you just how grateful, I really am to you,
I'm writing you this poem and hoping it will do! .

(Written for Sheila Smith on 15th August 08)

Anne Marie Comments

keaton 14 December 2017

best mum ever so talented great photogrifah and gread poet

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