Tony-Cemaluk Egbuonu Poems

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Na Okpulu Ugbo Mmili Anyim

Nkea na amamu ahu jijijiji,
Ikedo mu na nmazi uzo di
n'okpulu ugbo mmili anyim,

Compromised Promise

PROMISE not pounded yam when you can't
pound pounded yam; worst, under oath,
when you can, but compromise instead to pound cocoyam.

What Is This?

WHAT is this? Wood.

What is it? Where you came from? Where I come from? Yes.
We call it evil forest.

Great Mother

Great mother of mothers, most memorable,
Mother of Festac-like festivals;
Of astute kings from old to new, all nebulous;
Of great warriors, the likes of the retaliators.

Moonlight To The Rescue

Early into the night, as usual,
The village and the villagers were engulfed
In a solid-black darkness;
Everyone, almost, went early

The Supplications Of The Forebears To Ukpaka Oto

BEFORE the outing and the outcome of the five civil court helmsmen of justice simmer and cool off,
Behold the supplications of the supplicants, the forebears.

Ukpaka Oto deeje;

Gone For A While

Continue your whisperings in hushed voices;
I did and did not want to hear right,
Or ask questions or request clarifications.
Lest the mother would overhear the ultimate answer;

Expunged For You And Your Ilks

ALREADY, I have many of them, a whole lot.
I don't want any more,

Visible and invisible,

Longest Letter

My sister, dear Death, last time there,
Rejected you then,
In His name,
So strong and sure,

My File

HOUSE of mansions,
Offices and tables,
My file, Please open,

Error Success