Na Okpulu Ugbo Mmili Anyim Poem by Tony-Cemaluk Egbuonu

Na Okpulu Ugbo Mmili Anyim

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Nkea na amamu ahu jijijiji,
Ikedo mu na nmazi uzo di
n'okpulu ugbo mmili anyim,

Obulugodu na aga afu mu,
Ha ga afu na mmmili agbagbugo mu.

Nke a n'ama m ahu jijijiji,
Ikedo m ụdọ n'okpuru ụgbọ oshimmiri,

Oge ọbụla ha ga ahu m,
Ha g'ahu na mmiri eriela m.

This is a translation of the poem Under The Boat by Linda Bella Wassermeister
Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Translation of the poem, Under The Boat, to Igbo, major language of the Igbo nation, Nigeria. The second version adhered to the appropriate punctuation of the Igbo words.
Linda Bella Wassermeister 23 August 2023

I am flattered that you would translate one of my poems! Thank you! But tell me, please: to what language is it translated?

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Tony-Cemaluk Egbuonu 28 August 2023

I translated the catchy and touching poem to Igbo language which is spoken by the Igbo tribe majorly in the Eastern part of Nigeria.

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Linda Bella Wassermeister 23 August 2023

Google Translate says that this is translated into Igbo. Here is their translation: This is the knowledge of the trembling body, I am in the midst of my deep sorrow, Even though I'm gone, They will disappear in the water.

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Tony-Cemaluk Egbuonu 28 August 2023

Comments seem limited to 300 characters. If you oblige, I will send to you word for word, and poetic intent matching of my translation to you.

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Tony-Cemaluk Egbuonu 28 August 2023

Google translate did not get it right as I commented earlier. And, I did a second translation obtained by correcting Google translation of your poem to Igbo.. But, as you lamented in Under the Boat, PoemHunter doesn't generate responses real-time.

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