Antonio Liao Poems

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The Paradox Of Life

the night does not fall my dear, it is only your eyes, that close,
that what make us so busy, we always tend to make ourselves
easy, though in reality we want to go easy go lucky


ismos defines the value of what we have in life, as everything
has it own meaning, the essence of values resides in every
man's heart, it is the process of an inner principle of soul, how
life be lived, in comformity of what human beings believed

The Sanctity Of Matrimony

marriage lives only in our hearts, and the bond of love is witness
by the faithful comes in, when there is an honest communion of
unity amongst the bride and the groom, who promise and commit
themselves in their hearts and words, to live beyond anything else

The Citizens Of Heaven

everything has its final resting place, a place where no other man
promise, a home of many races, an atmosphere that everyone,
is safe, where beauty resides in every hearts that believe,
what wonders the universe display, of no day and night

Triumphant Obama Turns To Sobering Challenges

every human triumphant fight creates a feeling of uncertainty
of the future, thats the wonder of the mystery of human
experience, that no man has seen, the meaning of the
future, a wisdom that God had works wonder in every event

Park 'N Go

as life lives in a part of profane world, the immortality of
soul, struggle the sting of death, in a boundless, limit of
earthly pleasure

Beloved Parents

all the while, they both enjoy, all the time they rejoice
in every minute they always think, all the way everything
will be fined

Optical Illusion

eyes see everything what the heart feels, for
only the eyes tell the meaning of the heart, nay
the soul reveals what the heart defines that
the window of the soul, is the illusion of the eyes

The Color Of The Dream

dreams are made of color, according to one own perception
and experience, neither each dream are just a simple one,
nay, it is only a fruit of illusion or a product of hallucination,
but the fact remain, that it is always a part our life

Color Is Prestige-A Tribute To The American People

kings and their mighty kingdoms, in the ancient world, wore
splinded clamorous robes and dresses with illuminated
color, a symbol of their mighty kingdoms

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