The Color Of The Dream Poem by Antonio Liao

The Color Of The Dream

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dreams are made of color, according to one own perception
and experience, neither each dream are just a simple one,
nay, it is only a fruit of illusion or a product of hallucination,
but the fact remain, that it is always a part our life

in dream, our imagination creates, the things that we want too,
the impossible becomes a reality to grasp, the satisfaction, that
brings and leads us to achieve the things we dream off, it is
the end where our commitment begins

so real, that each parts of the body move, to concretize, what we
aim for in life, it might be impossible but the minds that initiate,
has made everything making the best of it, possible to exist,
a fulfillment that the body, the soul has come to join in force, to
satisfy the illusion of the mind

in our life, all are just started in dream, the future of our existence,
are pattern in this kind of imagination, a concept, a notion that
comes to being, a creation of God, that until today the fulfillment
has yet to come, when everything will be done in his own purpose
and destiny

we will never be perfected our dream until we give meaning of
what we share, we lend, we take, and live, each of us has to
make our dream, according to what is pleasing in our sight, it
is a call to paint our work for this end product of beauty will brings
us to the creation of the one who give and thought our eyes to
create our own dream ,

our being, is the most perfect ingredients in the color of our dream
for in every drops of stroke of brush, the elements of harmony,
create, the beauty of our existence in this wonderful universe, making
the creation prefect, a fulfillment of the promise of God

dream as you wish, live as you create, paint it with different color,
for only in painting your life will shined, and emulate other to light
the true meaning of the wonder of creation of life

' be an ingredients of color for others to dream '

Katherine Ng Li Hoon 20 December 2008

According to research some older folks maybe during our parents time had dream which consist of only black and white but younger ones will have colourful dreams, as this may be due to the black and white t.v. that they watch during the olden days.Great write!

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