Sorrows are the salts of life,
If you know how to taste.
Memories are gift of time,
If you can treasure it best.
Let me break into thousand pieces
turn into the dust I was formed
mingle with rain and earth
and dissolve into nothingness.
People say-life moves on so
look forward.
Never hold on to old grudges
forget the past.
I craved to reach to her
She raised a wall
Of differences and inequalities
By far.
She, a princess, dreams a prince;
And awaits his arrival who
rides on winds.
A prince whose father is Sun
I have only one friend in life-death,
He lies beside me in my bed.
Faithful till the end,
Till the day of judgement.
I would rather forgive everything
That people have done to me.
Forgiveness makes a mind tranquil
And brings serenity.
God tests those
Whom He loves most
Fills their buckets
With sorrows
আমি নদীর এক ভাসমান কচুরিপানা
সারাজীবন ভেসেই চলেছি, কখনো
যন্ত্রমানবের আঘাতে ক্ষতবিক্ষত হয়েছি
তবু কোত্থাও আমার ঠাঁই মিললো না৷
I have Seas in my Eyes
Dark deep and mysterious
Salty and sulphurous
When it waves and flows