Augusta Davies Webster Poems

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Birds Sing I Love You, Love

Birds sing "I love you, love" the whole day through,
And not another song can they sing right;
But, singing done with, loving's done with quite,
The autumn sunders every twittering two.

A Castaway

Poor little diary, with its simple thoughts,
its good resolves, its "Studied French an hour,"
"Read Modern History," "Trimmed up my grey hat,"
"Darned stockings," "Tatted," "Practised my new song,"

Medea In Athens

Dead is he? Yes, our stranger guest said dead--
said it by noonday, when it seemed a thing
most natural and so indifferent
as if the tale ran that a while ago

Young Laughters, And My Music!

Young laughters, and my music! Aye till now
The voice can reach no blending minors near;
'Tis the bird's trill because the spring is here
And spring means trilling on a blossomy bough;

A Song Of A Spring-Time

TOO rash, sweet birds, spring is not spring;
Sharp winds are fell in east and north;
Late blossoms die for peeping forth; Rains numb, frost

A Soul In Prison

(The Doubter lays aside his book.)

"Answered a score of times." Oh, looked for teacher,
is this all you will teach me? I in the dark

An Inventor

Not yet!

I thought this time 'twas done at last,
the workings perfected, the life in it;


The sun drops luridly into the west;
darkness has raised her arms to draw him down
before the time, not waiting as of wont
till he has come to her behind the sea;

A Bird And Flower Upon The Tree

A bird and flower upon the tree,
Sweet peony and oriole,
Each of them a perfect soul,

Day Is Dead, And Let Us Sleep

DAY is dead, and let us sleep,
Sleep a while or sleep for aye,
'Twere the best if we unknew

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