Birds Sing I Love You, Love Poem by Augusta Davies Webster

Birds Sing I Love You, Love

Rating: 2.5

Birds sing "I love you, love" the whole day through,
And not another song can they sing right;
But, singing done with, loving's done with quite,
The autumn sunders every twittering two.
And I'd not have love make too much ado
With sweet parades of fondness and delight,
Lest iterant wont should make caresses trite,
Love-names mere cuckoo ousters of the true.

Oh heart can hear heart's sense in senseless nought,
And heart that's sure of heart has little speech.
What shall it tell? The other knows its thought.
What shall one doubt or question or beseech
Who is assured and knows and, unbesought,
Possesses the dear trust that each gives each.

Walterrean Salley 20 November 2016

(Birds Sing I Love You, Love - Poem by Augusta Davies Webster.) Enjoyed the reading.

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Jeanette Telusma 11 February 2017

What is greater than love? Nothing could compare... Great love poem

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M Asim Nehal 08 March 2019

Fantastic poem with awesome lines: Oh heart can hear heart's sense in senseless nought, And heart that's sure of heart has little speech.

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Michael Ejire 24 October 2018

Nice one. Love this line, Oh heart can hear heart's sense in senseless nought

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No one 29 April 2018

Its a great poem

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Sylvaonyema Uba 17 April 2018

A good sonnet. An sample of the Italian sonnet with the rhyme scheme of: Abba, Abba Cd... The poem is divided into an OCTAVE. The first 8 lines and A SESTET- The last 6 lines. SYLVA ONYEMA UBA

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kisha adams 31 March 2018

i lyk t

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