Autum Foster Poems

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Broken Girl

She will always be a broken girl,
She hears the plates and vases hurl,
She waits for the moment to pass,
She takes a count of all that she has,

You'Re All The Same

Really, I know, inside my heart,
Where to stop and when to start,
Sometimes our decisions cause so much pain,
Mostly, our decisions are made in vein,

It Breaks My Heart

It breaks my heart, everytime,
With every word, with every rhyme,
This life I live, it's all a lie,
What's inside, began to die,

It's Tearing Me Appart

I can't even begin to show,
And never will I let you know,
How I really feel for you,
It's tearing me appart,

Change My Heart

I've never ever felt this way,
I wish I had the heart to say,
I'll go away, I'll change my name,
I'll face the lies, I'll face the shame,

Confusion: To Say The Least

Although I think you'll break my heart,
I know you'll tear my life appart,
For you, I'll shead a single tear,
It was you, who taught my heart to fear,

If Only...

If only you knew,
How I felt for you,
If only you felt it too,
Maybe in some other place,

Here We Go Again

Just when I accept the fact we were never going to speak again,
I could deal with that,
You pop up, my tries in vein,
Falling in love, this really is lame,

Every Glance And Look My Way

I don't think I can let you know,
How far I'm willing to go,
To show you just how much you mean,
When somethimes you don't even see,

The Blood She Bled

The blood she bled, was red and true,
The blood she bled, was bled for you,
She's in such a state as she holds the knife,
She's aiming to end her dreadful life,

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