I want to take birth,
Humble wish to come on earth
See for self and breathe fresh air,
Is it not right for baby girl chance fair?
Each ward full of new arrivals
For parents not less than festivals
Joy and happiness could be read on face
Who could definitely tell what their race was?
I refused to go
Even said no
To her request
For fertility test
What a joy and happiness
On mother’s face
When some one is about to come
Her heart is full of joy to welcome
We are baby nation
Just new for international relation
We have not gained it all of sudden
We have golden past and heritage even
Mother with baby
Still, doubt persist
And we insist
On male's birth
"I want to live alone"
She was assertive in tone
Why do not then leave?
I asked her "if you believe"
Mother with baby
Still, doubt persist
And we insist
On male's birth
Baby girls are not wanted and desired
Their entry in family is not admired
Ill treatment from them from the very day of arrival
No celebration or joy when
Distant cry was heard from infant baby
Left at the door and seemed very hungry
Moving hands and legs in desperate try
As if to call for mummy without any cry