Barbara Attaway

Barbara Attaway Poems


Wind blow
Blow me far away
Away from my grief

Is not the summer prairie calling to you
Sultry days lazily await your rollicking voice
To answer and cool the afternoon
Only daubers busy themselves in this heat

'Higher, higher, swing me higher, Dad-o!
I can almost touch those leaves with my big toe...
I did it! I touched them! Now we can let the cat die, Dad-o.'

Shhhhh.....stay quiet
There is big medicine in being reverent
Around Medicine Wheel
One must esteem this place, son of my son

come and get it
i call to the boys
please wash your hands
and put up the toys

Whirlwind lifting shapeless seas
In hot breeze

They stand as sentinels against azure storms
Assured as most storms of life, it's supposed
Although bared of dress, although naked as jays
Winter's trees umbrella from worst of those

Sitting at brackish-brown water's edge
Hands, blue-veined, sore to the bone
Strong tanned fingers, through muddied sand, dredge
And seek Early Man's sharpened stones

I remember a day not so long ago
You sat under hot CBS lights
Giving your account
Of that first 'Day of Infamy'

We had hiked the hills a long, long way
My privilege was to gift their feet that day
Soak in warm water, soothe with mint lotion
Seemed to me just the right heaven-sent potion

To preserve this day, I pick red plums wild
Within my soul, I dream a while
A vision ancient, to me smiles
Of plums growing wild in thickets dark

He listened for The Master
Voicing not his woes
His thoughts were sombre, pensive
'I know my time is close.'

are my dead

Loved souls

A beggar's tired voice
Rings out seeking pity

His cup rattles constantly

We watched her approach
That dark, heavy beauty
With blue-black coif
All rolled up

Barbara Attaway Biography

I come from southeast Texas and a big family of poets. Daddy wrote songs and Mother wrote poetry. My brother was a gifted musician and my sister writes beautiful poetry, short stories, and books. I had a great-grandfather who was a song-and-dance man in vaudeville. I feel I am the lesser talent of all of them, but owe them at least my attempt at something along the same line. I do love poetry...I use it to document days and memorable moments in my life. I hope you will enjoy my efforts.)

The Best Poem Of Barbara Attaway


Wind blow
Blow me far away
Away from my grief
Grief from loss
Loss of a brother
Brother younger than I
I have lost hold of my roots
Roots withering
Withering in salty tears
Tears drying on my face
Face of my brother in the mirror
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Wall of sadness
Sadness disappear with the wind

Barbara Attaway Comments

Barbara Attaway 28 May 2018

More under Barbara Waterhouse

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Des Gahan 31 January 2007

I still love it!

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