Bernard F. Asuncion Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sweet Wish From The Heart

M-y sweet wish and regard
A-re coming from the heart;
R-eceive them with a smile,
I-t's time to have a fine start.

Even When The Stars Don't Shine

E-ven when the stars don't shine,
V-ery well we still understand;
E-ven when the heavens burst,
L-et us follow God's command.

My Heart's Sweet Desire

M-y heart's sweet desire
A-ims to send sincere wish;
N-ever will it turn pleasure
I-nto pain and anguish.

Cherish My Sweet Wish

C-herish my sweet wish,
I-t makes a dream come true;
N-ever will it take away
D-elightful day from

Read With All Your Heart

R-ead with all your heart
E-very word written in line;
G-ood greeting you'll see
I-n the depth of my mind.

Return To The Almighty

R-eturn to the Almighty,
Y-earn to find the right path;
A-llow not your life to suffer
N-everending anger or wrath.

Just Always Keep On Guard

J-ust always keep on guard,
A-ware of everything around;
Y-our faith is often at risk,
D-efend it in a battleground.

Reach And Touch The Zenith

R-each and touch the zenith
O-ctober thirtieth day;
Y-our moment has come as you get out of gray.

Your Moment Has Come

Y-our moment has come,
Z-enith awaits up high;
A-im to soar beyond the clouds, to kiss the brightest sky.

Zenith Of The Love

M-ake it to the zenith
A-llow your heart to glow;
R-each the kind of love
Y-our life is set to know.

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