Brent McBride Poems

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The Grim Reaper

In fair facade he hearkens to the shallowness of men.
Quaint his dance, his earthly prance, 'Should others envy him? '
While reveling in this glorious state, he hears a distant sound,
hollow and elusive steps appear upon the ground.

The Great Earthquakes

Three Earthquakes will occur in the night!
A Nation unprepared will they strike!
Dumbfounded will the people be when caught so unawares,
From West to East the land will shake with gloom deep despair,

A Glimpse Into The Future

A Glimpse into the future, is all that he can see.
A darkened glass reveals, his true destiny.
Ever on he toils, through earthly shadows dark,
his soul is vexed with trials, but Faith is in his heart!

The Watchman

Dead men walking all around is all that he can see
A warning from a Watchman's cry, a Great Calamity
Goes unheeded and ignored, for all men seek their own
They're eye's are blind, they're ear's are deaf, they're hearts are made of stone

The Wind Of Change

Upon life's sea I lie content with due course set in mind,
armed with map and quill some unknown destiny I'll find.
When suddenly my vessel groans as moved by some strange force
I sober to the howling winds about to change my course.

The Two Companions

A wretched soul is wondering through the darkness all alone, each footstep haunted by the black abyss of the unknown.
Yet by his side there still abides companions faithful there, unseen as a ghostly dream his sorrows they will share.
Enduring through the passing years these, ' Two ' will ever stay, through the twilight of the night until the break of day.
In the horror of the, ' Witching Hour ' or quagmire down below, his two companions ever keep a vigil for his soul.

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