Bri Edwards Poems

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Doc said: "Bri, your eye is diseased;
therefore it must ….soon come out."
I told her to do as she pleased.
"Ok, Doc, I won't cry or shout."


Don’t YOU just hate some people? Wouldn’t you like them gone?
Some human-types I do despise, though some people over them do fawn.

The first that comes to mind is the “no-hands” bicycle-rider.

Introductory Poem:

Is it me, Bri, or Poem Hunter, which makes sharing (with you) these verses....
so cumbersome and frustrating? Is it my advancing age OR some other curses? !

When I've pushed past my 70th year, I guess I'm allowed to dream,
of what 'Paradise' would be for me. Let's start with Ice cream.

1 - Ice cream, on a stick, in a cone or bowl, hard or soft,

Misbehaving Mouse In Our House... [bri Edwards]

A warning goes out now to all outdoor mice:
'Before you enter THIS house, you'd best think twice! '
Last week, after I'd 'taken a shit', I saw a mouse!
It looked at ME, &.........I looked at IT.

I had just finished embezzling a hundred grand from my firm.
I’d stopped at a bar for a drink after work, feeling like a worm.
I was an accountant for a Fortune 500 company. They had PLENTY of money,
but, though the cash solved ONE problem, I WASN’T feeling sunny.

Blessed I am.I know not by Whom...
or What.But ever since from the womb...
I came, I've led a rather contented life.
Of course there HAS been a bit of strife.

Bri's Introductory Poem:

' Write a nice title ', or so PoemHunter does say to ME, so…
I guess I should comply, as my time on PoemHunter is FREE!

Now, on P-H's Add New Poem page, I see something new.
This site presents an example of 'how a poem usually looks'.
I suppose PH is really trying to be Helpful for me & FOR YOU,
but IS IT what a publisher would dare offer to authors of books?

Formic Acid Freddie...[ A Fine Fellow (R.I.P.) ]

Some of you on PoemHunter may not have
heard of the 'late' Formic Acid Freddie a favorite
friend of mine.

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