Britney Hogue

Britney Hogue Poems

The salty ocean air
And the crashing white caps
Of the wide open beach serenity
In my wildest fantasies

The warming sunshine on my back
And a light breeze blowing my gold hair
I sit on a bridge over a cool crystal stream
My feet explore the shiny rocks below

Why have things become like this
So many watery, painful tears
And blackened, sad hearts
In the youngest of souls

Walking home from the job I keep,
In this downtown city we call civilized,
I feel as if I’m the only one with eyes,
Unobstructed so to see the truth of matters.

Coming home after a long leave
Is always comforting.
It’s funny how a home is a home,
And not just a house or building.

And look at you, standing there
Looking like your better than me
Yea you have looks and money
But what does that help

There’s an image of you
That I cannot remove
From my memories imagery
It's so serene, so beautiful

She sits in a small bedroom
On the edge of the bed
Every illuminating light of hope
Has long burned out

A beautiful new spring day
The grass, new tender and green
The trees, sprouting new leaves
A small rose vine climes a tree

This was all such vanity,
Without the slightest purpose,
Without a half decent reason.
Like so many others seen today,

Why is it
That no one can see
What I can
The beauty in this world

I walk across this thinning line of life
Overstep it and it’s unto the black abyss
The fury of what the world has finally become
With no one caring what tomorrow brings

Do you ever feel lost?
In this struggle we call life
Like everyone has turned away
And left you all alone

Many I'm sure contemplate there death
Including myself
Wondering the place and time and how
Many fear death even a peaceful passing

Its sometime in the night
Possibly even early morning
I wake from a restless sleep
Accompanied by a retched dream

It’s funny how
Two hearts in love
Aren’t bothered by much
Not only a little rain

As twilight breaks
She awakes from her sleep
She steps from the den
With four of her young

It’s as wet as a flood
Red as the rose of love
Irresistible to the vampire
And it’s pouring from my head

Love me for who I am
Not what you perceive
Were all imperfect humans
Just in our own little ways

The irritated and bleeding wounds
Just don’t seem to heal
I hold this tight pressure
But they just don't seal

Britney Hogue Biography

Hi everyone. I've written poetry and short stories all my life.Most of my poetry is very deep and filled with emotions. Some of my poems are written upon my life's encounter along with some about my views on life. I hope those who read my poems really appreciate them and find them entertaining as well as enjoyable. Enjoy Life and Poetry!)

The Best Poem Of Britney Hogue

Eclipse Of Night And Day

The salty ocean air
And the crashing white caps
Of the wide open beach serenity
In my wildest fantasies
And most vivid dreams
None could be conceived
As perfect as this scene

White stallion and black mare
Walking flank to flank
Looks as day and night
Walking together in one place
You support the day and I night
Joined in the middle
With my left in your right

We find the perfect sandy spot
Dismount night and day
And let them go their way
They stride straight away
In perfect uniform unison
They rear and paw ocean air
Before running to horizon

We look to the blue sky
As moon draws closer
To her lover, the bright sun
In an almost dancing grace
Moon slides in front of sun
As if in the sky they embrace
Creating the eclipse of night and day

Britney Hogue Comments

Walterrean Salley 17 November 2016

Just read one of Britney's poems and enjoyed it. Look forward to reading more. Thank you for sharing your works.

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Shekhar Joshi 06 April 2009

I read your poems. they were just wonderful. i like the themes of your lovely poems. I think you are the most talented poet among all teenager i have ever read of.Infact way ahead us. You are just amazing.

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