Chanel Jackson

Chanel Jackson Poems

Everyday it’s a struggle
with expectations so high.
Yet you still grumble
“That won’t get you by.”

It’s so common in our family
But is there a limit to this endless bickering?
Is there such thing as too much?
Before it ends in such dreadful pain?

Images flash in my mind
like pictures on a movie screen
playing over and over again.
Do I say something

I never met this person
I’ve talked to her
Day and night
Meeting her was different

Am I good enough?
It’s a question we all ask.
It echoes persistently in our ears,
As we wonder in fear

Looking in the mirror
And what do I see?
An unhappy, ugly girl
Staring back at me

It’s sad how things
Especially good things come to an end
But they must
So that we may start a new beginning

Pen point
To blank paper
Curves and lines

It’s so hard to love you
When you’re so far away
Can’t hold you like I want to
When no longer seen is the sun’s last ray

Oh what I wouldn’t do
to have you here
Next me
To feel your energy

Here lies a friendship I struggled to keep alive
It faltered not once, not twice, but many a time.
I failed to distinguish the end of the line
But now seen with a clearer eye

Sitting here
Staring at a blank screen
The curser furiously blinking at me
Tauntingly saying

A warm feeling passes over me
As I close my eyes and smile.
The prickly grass tickles my legs
As the wind blows through its mysterious

They say you have control
You can pick
And you can choose
But there’s always the possibility

I write what I see
I write what I feel
I write what I know
Nothing more, nothing less

I thought you were the one for me
Who will be my lover and friend.

I pretend that I am someone else
I feel young and lost

words resounding,
bouncing against
the cold, hard, eerie walls

A prisoner in my own home
No freedom
No say
No chance to do it my own way

Memories of you flash through my mind
with each passing day,
daily reminders of happiness,
during the days we used to play.

The Best Poem Of Chanel Jackson

A Child's Cry

Everyday it’s a struggle
with expectations so high.
Yet you still grumble
“That won’t get you by.”

I’m tired of reaching
Seems like I'm getting no where
but daddy keeps preaching
“No one said life’s fair”

So I keep reaching
but there’s still doubt.
(He keeps screeching.)
But I give up with a pout.

Now he’s disappointed,
can’t look me in the face.
Feeling guilty, I ask myself
“How could you? ” in disgrace.

Home no longer the same,
Tension all around,
Driving me insane
but I am still homebound.

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